Brotherly Bitterness

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Branch's reaction was what got Poppy to snap back into it. She turned around and told Branch, "Hey, um, remember earlier when I said that you should open up to me and being real"?

Branch lessened his guard up, starting to reply with, "Well-,"

"You could've started by telling me you had a secret brother," Poppy exclaimed, gesturing back to the new Troll standing behind them.

"Former brother," Branch clarified, still sticking firm to the bitterness he felt.

"THAT'S NOT HOW DNA WORKS," Poppy mentioned exasperatingly.

"Scientifically, Poppy makes a good point, Branch," McJagger mentioned to the male Pop Troll.

Poppy then leaned past Branch and asked her father, "Dad, did you know about this"?

The topic of "secret family" suddenly made Peppy freeze up and act like he did not know about it, saying, "Ha, what would I know about secret family members," and tried to play it off but did shoot a nervous look off to the side.

"He knows something," Aggie and Melody commented in unison, sharing deadpanned facial expressions.

"Wanna ask him later," Melody offered.

"Nah, I'm sure he'll tell us about it in his own time," Aggie replied.

Poppy then realized that she had almost snapped at Branch's brother; talk about an almost awkward first impression! She quickly turned around, facing the new Troll, and told him, "My gosh, I was being so rude; I've never met anyone from Branch's family before! I'm Poppy, Branch's girlfriend. Should we hug, fistbump, smile and wave, and see where the night takes us"?

"All of the above," the new Troll replied.

Then, Poppy seemed to recognize something about him and pointed out, "Wait, I know you; you're the guy! From BroZone! We were just listening to them"!

The Snack Pack all shared excited/eager looks, with Cooper shouting as he stamped his feet happy, "Yeah! BroZone"!

However, for Aggie and the other non-Pop Trolls, this was new for them to hear, as none of them were aware of who BroZone was. Trollzart was the first to ask, "Um, pardon for our confusion, but who is Brozone"?

"Who is BroZone," Smidge exclaimed in shock as Satin explained, "BroZone was a popular boyband in Pop Village back when we were little kids"!

"They were the engineers of band-related groups," Chenille added excitedly.

"Oh, so they were a Pop boyband; that makes sense," Laguna pieced it together.

Back with Poppy, who tried to figure out if she could remember who this Troll was, "Wait, wait, don't tell me. Um, you're not the "HeartThrob."

The Troll, a little taken aback by the comment, replied, "Well, uh, that's your opinion-,"

"The Fun One? No, you're a little uptight," Poppy deduced.

That comment took him more aback, making him ask while feeling slightly offended, "Uptight"?

"Hm, not the Sensitive One either," Poppy deduced, trying to think back to the other members.

Hearing these comments was really doing the new Troll a solid in knocking down a peg of his self-esteem, with him addressing, "Ok, a lot of assumptions for someone you just met 30 seconds ago."

Finally, Poppy remembered, telling him, "Oh, oh, I got it! You're John Dory"!

Now identified, John Dory added in, "The leade-,"

Trolls: Band Together (AU Version)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora