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On the streets of Washington, USA ( 24 December, 1932)

Kenna's POV

I was running as fast as I can. I was looking back from time to time to check whether my father was following me or not. I don't know what happened but I have never seen mother that much worried. Mother and father both started to fight after we returned meeting those two men.
After a few minutes I felt pain all over my body and I felt. I saw my father coming towards me and he almost reached me when suddenly my wand emitted a very bright white light and my father flew back.
I once again started to walk but I was having some difficulty while walking because of very bad pain. I decided to take two minutes break and while resting I was holding my wand like my life depends on it. I felt sleepy somehow and heard someone unknown's voice and started to feel warm out of nowhere like when mother tucks inside the bed.
But all I want is to go and spend time with Tom at London. I don't want to be in America I want to be in London with everyone.

Wool's Orphanage London ( 24 December,1932)

Tom's POV

I don't know but I feel something is very wrong. I am not scared about myself but about Kenna. She went to America with her parents so maybe she is in trouble. This is the first time I am not celebrating Christmas with her but she promised that we will celebrate New Year together.
I requested Mrs. Cole to call her so that I could talk to her but she said she doesn't have the number of that place where she is going to stay.
I just want her to stay alright and come back to me and we both will be happy.

Author's POV

At that moment both of them wanted to be with each other but couldn't be. One had to leave because the time for her to become stronger has arrived and one had to stay because he had been destined for the greatness.
They both will achieve great things in life but one will pave her way on truth and justice. One will pave his way on darkness but will change his every desire for her.

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