König..? «Part → Five»

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I was peacefully sleeping. In my bed comfortably. When a loud thud, woke me up and caught my attention.

I sigh and rub the sleep out of my eyes, getting up and out of my bed. As I yawned to go check out the noise. I was still in my pajama's, as I walked to my door to open it and look down the hallway I saw König holding a hand to his head. He probably bumped his head I thought.

I walked out and over to König to check up on him. He was cursing in German until he saw me, then he just stared even if the mask was covering his face I could tell he was embarrassed about hitting his head.

With a soft chuckle I walk further down the hallway gesturing with my hand for him to follow me and he did. As we walked down the long hallway König was holding his head.

We eventually met the kitchen where we looked in the freezer for the ice. As the coolness of the freezer came into the kitchen as we searched for the ice until my hands eventually they landed on a cold ice pack. I took it out of the freezer and handed it to König, and he put it where he bumped his head. 

I was already quite hungry so I looked in the fridge and took out some leftovers from when Horangi last cooked, and put it onto a plate. Putting it into the microwave, setting the timer for three minutes. 

I looked at König as I waited for my food to heat up. He had one of his eyes squinted indicating that he bumped his head somewhere near his eye. With how loud it was when he hit his head he probably had a bruise forming there as well. 

As I look back at the microwave there was about 56 seconds left on the timer. As I waited I got a cup of water because my mouth was dry, for some reason. I drank and felt the water running down my throat making it less scratchy and dry. I set the cup down when I hear the microwave go off. 

I walk back over to the microwave from the water dispenser, opening the door and taking out my food. I grabbed a fork and set it on the table along with the food. I looked up at König and asked, "Don't you want some food König?" when I said that he adverted his gaze to a small object on the counter. He nodded and softly spoke, "Ja.. I would like some." he held the ice pack up to where he bumped his head and looked back at me. I smiled and gestured to the food I just sat on the table, " I can make myself some more, here." I spoke. 

His eyes seemed to brighten up as he sat down, setting the ice pack off to the side and he slightly lifted up his mask to take a fork full of the food. I walked back over to the cabinets and took another plate out. I set it down and put some more food on the new plate for myself.

I put the plate into the microwave and set it to my selected time to warm it up. I waited once more for some food, walking over to the silverware drawer and taking out another fork for myself.

I set that next to my cup and watched as the food warmed up inside the microwave. i looked over at König and took a small glimpse at his mouth, seeing a small smile plastered on his face as he ate. I smiled once again and turned back to look at the time left on the microwave, seeing that there was 14 seconds left. As I looked away I found myself distracted in thought. That was until the microwave beeped. 

I took out the food and set it on the table, shutting the door to the microwave as I stuck my fork into my food and took a bite. mmmhhm.. I thought when I took the bite out from the food. 

When I finished König was nowhere in sight. I sighed and took my plate to the sink and washed both of our dishes and set them in the drying rack. Once that was done I walked back to my room to finally get some more sleep.

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