01 - compromised.

Start from the beginning

If it was the letters, they were fucked.

"How are you doing?" Roxanne, whilst carrying the safe, called over to CT.

"I'm doing excellent, thank you for asking." CT chuckled. "This is Berna."

"Lovely to meet you, Berna, I'm Roxanne!" she chuckled before they arrived at the next part, reading the board out-loud. "Place your safe on a decoding station. Use the dials to unlock the safe and retrieve your diamond. Bring your diamond to the finish line. Okay, let's go."

By that point, she realized not that many teams were ahead. She was, in fact, middle of the pack, but she hoped that her and her partner's memory would be enough. They set their safe down and Roxanne began putting in the numbers up top on the dial, getting most of them but forgetting a few. "The three I gave you, do you remember them?"


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"Well, great. So I'm standing there, in front of this giant dial, decoder, whatever, and I remember all but three of the numbers. Three! Three. And they're the numbers I gave to my partner , and does he remember them? Nope." Roxanne chuckled despite herself. "Oh, fuck my life."

— — — — — — —

"Goddamnit." Roxanne mumbled under her breath, before plugging in the code with three random numbers, hoping to at least have a lucky guess. "Uh, one of them was one, four... Goddamnit, the colors." After three attempts...



At this point, they couldn't do anything. They were locked out of the safe for five minutes. And that five minutes was everything  in this game. Pretty soon, Aneesa and her partner ran off, followed by Michaela, then Tori, and pretty soon, almost half of the group had left.  She went to turn to her partner, but... he was nowhere. He had run back to the fucking bricks. The bricks that were now completely obliterated.

So she ran after him, annoyed but not planning to be hard on him.

— — — — — — —

"So I go to ask him again, because we're locked out of this damn safe for five minutes... and he isn't there. He ran away." Roxanne sighed. "Fuck me, this is gonna be a long season."

— — — — — — —

When they knew that they knew the code they made it back, and at that point, it was only them, and Ashley and her partner. Quickly, Roxanne plugged in the numbers, opened the safe, and they were on their way.

"Hello!" Roxanne grinned to the group as she finally reached them. "Not last."

"Not last," TJ chuckled, as the duo went to place their diamond down. Her partner, who carried it, placed it on the pedestal.

At least they knew they wouldn't be purged, if that was the case. 

"Give me a hug." Roxanne opened her arms. "We didn't win but we didn't lose. That's okay, right?"


"What's your name?"


"Gabo. I'm Rox, lovely to meet you."

"Nice to meet you."

"What happened, memory queen?" CT teased as Roxanne and Gabo rejoined the group. "You were doin' so good!"

"Three numbers, Christopher." Roxanne rolled her eyes, and CT chuckled, putting an arm around her. "Three fuckin' numbers."

"Hey, at least it's not as bad as last season." he rubbed her arm with another slight laugh. "Proud of you. Got it done either way."

Pretty soon, Ashley and her partner had made it, and the group assembled, lined up in partners, so TJ could speak to them.

"Alright, everyone. Welcome, agents." he nodded, addressing the group with that slightly menacing TJ look in his eyes. "For those of you that I haven't met, my name is TJ Lavin, and I'm your handler. While your backgrounds might be different, and you may call different places home, you all have one goal in mind, and that's to make it to my final and earn your share—the lion's share—of one million dollars."

As soon as the words left his mouth, cheers absolutely erupted among the group. Roxanne was used to this kind of reveals—but this time, she swore she would actually get the money.

"Some of you came to play." TJ continued. "But I can also see who really needs some work."

Roxanne clenched her teeth in an awkward smile, and felt someone—Kyle—reach over and pay her shoulder. She looked at him, wanting to flip him off, but continued to pay attention as TJ kept speaking.

"Since this is a cutthroat season, Ashley..."


"...Hughie, I'm sorry, but you guys got last place."

Ashley's partner—Hughie—inhaled sharply and laughed despite himself. "I am not eliminated."

"And by getting last place—"

"Into elimination," Ashley attempted to finish TJ's sentence.

"—You are done..."

Shocked gasps and exclamations left the group, including Hughie and Ashley. TJ, if he had more to say, couldn't say it for a while.

"...Getting last place."

Shock turned to relief as the group couldn't help but laugh—TJ included.

"Consider this a very stern  warning. Got it? Now, on the other hand, our winners, Logan and Aneesa, great job!"

The group clapped. Roxanne couldn't help but feel a sense of relief—her and Aneesa were close enough that she knew she wouldn't be sent in first, if that's how it worked.

"With winning comes power," TJ continued. "You two will now form the Agency. As the Agency, you are not only safe from elimination, but you will also have some important decisions to make. The rest of you will go back, deliberate, and nominate one team to sent into the elimination round. The Agency will decide who faces them."

"Fuck." was the first word that left Aneesa's mouth, earning a chuckle from basically everyone.

"I'll see you soon. Get out of here. Great job." TJ concluded, and the group clapped once again before beginning to head back to the house. Roxanne knew, then, that this would be one hell of a season.

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