Hang Out

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Uzi's now in her late teen years and today was my birthday or we're at least doing it today since I don't remember my birthday. We were sitting around a table with Yeva, Yuri and Doll while Nori baked me a cake. We were having a great time and Uzi walked up to me handing me a card.

Y/n: *taking card* Thanks a bunch Princess!

Uzi: Just open it.

I opened the card and was really happy.

Nori: What does it say?

Y/n: There are so many things I wish I had but I have the best thing I could ever ask for...

I let go of the card and jumped at Uzi hugging her while starting to cry.

Y/n: Thank Princess!

Uzi: Y-Yeah, no problem dad.

The card had papers that made Uzi my office daughter and I couldn't be any happier. I kissed her on the cheek and held her tightly for several minutes before I finally let go while wiping some of my tears away. I sat back down in my chair and Nori got closer then leaned over and kissed my cheek. Me and her got together a few weeks ago because she was finally ready for another relationship. We already got really close and it was kinda predictable that we would get together. We kept up the party and when it got late the others left. We sat down on the couch and did the paperwork with Uzi on my left and Nori on my right. I signed all of the papers and set the pen down while taking a deep breath. I laughed it out and pulled Uzi into another hug.

Uzi: Jeez, come on dad!

Nori: Dear he's been waiting to hear you call him dad for years now, this is the biggest thing in his entire life.

I then felt Uzi's hands gripping my back tightly and after were done hugging we got the papers in a folder but we couldn't really do anything with them because it's so late. We went to our rooms and I got in bed with Nori since we shared a room now. I wrapped my arms around her and snuggled her into my chest.

Y/n: She finally said it.

Nori: It was a surprise to all of us, even I didn't know she was doing it.

She adjusted a little bit and I kissed her on the cheek before we drifted off to sleep together.


I heard something and woke up in the middle of the night. I got out of bed to check what it was and saw Uzi sneaking in with a bag full of stuff.

Y/n: *leans on the door frame* Where did you go?

Uzi: Ahh.

Y/n: Don't even try to lie to me, you're gonna get in twice as much trouble for repeating the same mistake.

I then walked over to her.

Uzi: Fine, I was outside the colony collecting things.

I led her to the couch and she set her bag on the ground while I climbed onto the couch to sit with her.

Y/n: Why were you doing that?

Uzi: Because I want to fight back against the murder drones!

Y/n: Why do you wanna do that? Just enjoy your life where it's safe.

Uzi: Because! I wanna see the world I live on! I want us to be free!

Y/n: Gotcha, but you won't find anything for us. I lived out there before I met you guys and what we have here doesn't compare to what's waiting out there.

Uzi: But I still want us to have that option!

Y/n: I like your passion Uzi and I wish we did too but, I know the three murder drones out there. They aren't the type of people you can mess around with... I know that because I used to be their punching bag.

Breaking Reality (hedgehog male reader x Murder Drones)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora