A sheild bloodline

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Naofumi had no idea why he bought this monster sure it's useful yet something about it seemed humanely obvious.

It followed him everywhere it was just a loyal monster until two girls came along they too felt that the monster was weird and unsettling but it was rude to discard it as it was loyal and friendly.

That night the monster was busy eating the high ranked corpse of monsters sure they could decompose but they don't know if it's safe for it to be left behind.

The monster grew in size every time it took a more humane appearance as it grew more powerful.

"Master Naofumi do you have a name for this monster?" Raftalia asked.

"Well every time I tried to name it, it would growl as if it has a name yet couldn't speak it so I gave up" the monster huffed.

"Alright everyone get some rest now it's getting late" Naofumi said.

As everyone slept the creature felt something as it was going through a painful change of puberty.


Naofumi awoke as something doesn't feel right he noticed the monster who usually pounced on him first thing in the morning was gone sure he would be glad that this day would be free of a stomach pounce but instead...

"Naofumi wake up!" He felt a punch on the stomach.

"Wtf?!" Naofumi looked at a man dressed in a Victorian suit but something is familiar with him.

"Who are you?!"

The man scoffed "who else but that creature that follows you?" Naofumi mouth opened wide this man was the evolved version of that creature.

"Klein Moretti"


"My name or my current name" Klein bowed on one knee "I will treat you the same as my small weakened form you should too" the two girls watched as this fine gentleman was charming and to have such an amazing ally.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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