Chapter 2-The Falcon

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Cassandra used the time packing to also drink a cup of coffee, annoyed her hyperaware bodyguard picked up on her fatigue so easily.

After spending a week layering wards all over the temple along with the other sorcerers, she was bone tired. That didn't mean she enjoyed having her weakness pointed out by a total stranger-no matter how handsome he was.

Cassandra didn't like the idea of using Anakin Skywalker as a shield against her problems. They were after all her problems.

If things weren't so desperate, Master Wong wouldn't have reached out to the Jedi temple for aid. He located the pact in the Ancient One's archives. The scroll provided the means to contact the Jedi, who live on the opposite side of the universe.

Once he cast the long-distance communication spell, the scroll crumbled to dust in his hands.

When Cassandra left Earth, she'd have no means to communicate with Master Wong or anyone else. 'It's better this way. If I stay other people will be hurt. What if Wanda finds about my mom? She doesn't have magic or power to protect herself.'

The last terrified Cassandra most of all. Her hands trembled thinking of her mother in danger. Her mom was all she had. She couldn't afford to stay and risk losing her.

Cassandra zipped up her suitcase, the magical relic rattling in protest. She planned to be long gone before the Scarlet Witch returned to finish what she started. No one else would die because of her if she had anything to say about it.

On the threshold, Cassandra cast a final look around her modest cell, freezing the image in her memory: the battered wooden desk tucked against the wall, the narrow bed that was never comfortable, even after piling mounds of blankets to cushion her body, the stone floor that turned icy in the winter and froze her bare feet.

Cassandra always planned on leaving Kamar Taj once her training was completed. A tiny part of her was a little sad to depart under these circumstances.

Steeling her spine, Cassandra entered the foyer where her new bodyguard waited for her. The enigmatic Anakin Skywalker.

A shaft of sunlight seeped through the window screen illuminating dust motes spinning in the air. Anakin stood in the front of the stained-glass window, his sandy blond hair curling around the top of his collar.

 Anakin stood in the front of the stained-glass window, his sandy blond hair curling around the top of his collar

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A thin scar skimmed from his right temple ending at the top of his tanned cheek. The scar was new, still faintly pink from healing. She wondered if it still hurt.

Cassandra thought of the thick jagged scar from a sorcerer's blade marking her own abdomen. Every scar had a story and she wondered what the story was behind Anakin's.

Flowing black robes draped the Jedi's lanky frame. The hem billowed around his boots when he turned to face her. A faint smile quirked his full lips, lighting up his eyes like he was genuinely pleased to see her. "Hello."

Love In A Faraway Galaxy-AnakinxOCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang