Start from the beginning

"Come on sweetheart, lets leave Magnus to it." Lizzie told Alec gently.

The eldest Lightwood nodded knowing he would be beside the blonde the moment Magnus was finished anyways.

Elizabeth led Alec to the kitchen where she made them both a light snack and a cup of tea after Alec had washed his hands.

"Is it normal for Asa to be targeted this intensely?" Alec asked the vampire after a few moments of silence when he had sat down on a barstool by the counter.

The Bane woman sighed softly before she gave Alec a soft smile, Lizzie could tell that Alec cared deeply for her granddaughter.

"She's a tribrid my dear, she holds a lot of power and many forces of evil want to use her for their own advantage." Lizzie began to explain as she sat down beside Alec.

"The last few days is only a snippet of everything Asa's gone through in her life." The Bane woman continued.

"Believe me it doesn't get any easier, she's been targeted ever since she was only four days old." Lizzie stated and Alec looked at the woman, shocked and speechless.

"Four days old." Alec repeated, unsure if he had heard correctly.

Lizzie nodded solemnly.

"She's a tough cookie though, when the world knocks her down seven times she gets up eight despite all the obstacles she's faced and yet to face." Lizzie stated.

"Does she ever make time for herself?" Alec asked the Bane woman and Lizzie chuckled softly.

"Not always, the only time she will relax willingly is once all her loved ones are safe, which is weird considering how much she loves her sleep." Elizabeth explained.

Alec chuckled softly and shook his head fondly.

"Anywhere and everywhere, Asa would probably find a way to sleep." Magnus's voice came through making the two turn to face him.

The warlock sent them both a soft smile.

"She's stable and I've managed to heal her but there will be scars left behind." Magnus explained.

Alec felt himself finally able to breathe properly knowing that the blonde princess was going to be okay.

"I don't know how you guys have dealt with this for so long, it's only been a few days for me and yet it feels like I can't do anything to help her." Alec spoke.

"She's our granddaughter." Magnus began softly.

"Maybe not biologically but her mother has always been like daughter and we knew the moment that Asa was born she was something special." The warlock continued.

"She truly is." Alec couldn't help but agree with Magnus.

Never in his life did he think he would meet somebody like Asakhe much less feel the connection he does with her but now that they've met and continued to get to know each other, he doesn't want to remember what life was like without her.

"She can protect herself better than anyone but when you know what she's been through, all you want to do is keep her in a protected bubble." Magnus continued.

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