𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐘 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑, cold feet

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"I'm aware of that, sir." Aki met eyes with the older man.

"Division 4 won't be fighting alone. Public safety's best teams will be coming together for this. We should be able to fight even the Gun Devil on equal footing." Aki looked down, knowing that his eventual request would be denied. "The Gun Devil's location is classified information. Pull out and close yourself off from getting access to it. Even if the Gun Devil gets taken out, that information will be kept under a tight lid. It'll be years before you'll know whether the devil that killed your family is dead."

Kishibe's gaze never left the boy sitting across from him. "Do you still wanna back out?" His tone was almost teasing Aki who sat still as a statue.

"I'm willing to accept that." He said after a few seconds of silence.

"I'll inform the higher-ups of division 4's intention to stay out of it." The older man spoke after taking another swig of his drink. "It's an experimental until, anyway. More of a joke. I doubt they were expecting much. In exchange, you can get our bill."

"I always get the bill."

"Aki." Kishibe called out, "Why the change of heart?"

His question made Erity curious. The blue haired girl looked over intently at Aki— the boy held no type of expression as he avoided any type of eyes that looked his way.

She wasn't sure what had changed within his mind in what seemed like such a short amount of time; he hadn't reminded her of the way he used to be. Uncaring of the three within the division that he cared for, but now it had changed.

Aki Hayakawa had found a type of peace within himself.

"I got cold feet." He blatantly said as a response, his blue colored eyes now looking out the window that was to his right side.

Erity walked alongside Aki in silence as they neared the familiar door of their apartment. The small apartment that contained the four of them, including a cat.

"Hey, Aki," The boy looked over at her. "are we really going to be cut loose from it?"

"..." From the corner of her eye she could see him look away with a look of uncertainty; knowing that it was most likely not the case. But a sliver of hope still remained in his heart. "I think so."

His words proved to be enough for the girl as she didn't bother to ask again, instead she paid attention to the doors that they passed by, counting them until they reached theirs.

Quietly, Aki opened the door for the both of them and allowed her to walk inside first. Turning around once closing the door to face the inside. "We're home..." The announcement he made of their arrival was overtaken by Power's loud voice.

"Meowy!" She yelled, the cat resting in her lap, the feline beginning to lick at her face as she meowed.

"Hey, dude! I cooked some super good grub!" Denji peaked out from around the corner, looking at the pair who had finally arrived.

With her sights set on Denji, Erity kicked off her shoes quickly before running to see the blond boy she so desperately missed.

Aki eventually removed his blazer and tie, leaving him in his white button up and pants. Taking a seat as Denji and Power set Aki's meal up in front of him.

CRUEL FATEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora