A while later

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Wait to listen to the music til a certain part- unless you just want to replay it over and over again for the chapter then either way it's up to you. :)

Papyrus opened his eye sockets and glanced around before down at sans who was peacefully sleeping now.

He didn't really fall asleep, he just dazed off and focused on nothing, just like himself.

But he was also empty...too empty..despite having a piece of a soul, he assumed his body wasn't given the ability to feel emotions or given a personality at all.

This place was that..what was it called...? Ink sans home au. He doesn't remember as he didn't pay attention to what it was called but just saw a video about it at some point.

Papyrus rubbed sans head gently as the other started to stir and mutter a bit as sans cuddled closer to papyrus himself.

Papyrus looked down again and notice sans rubbing his eye sockets with a hand before he opened them.

"Morning sans." Papyrus stated and attempted a smile.

Though from sans startled look, it wasn't a good smile. He dropped it, "sorry...I don't know how to smile properly."

Sans relaxed, "no! No it was fine! You did well for your first attempt..maybe I can teach you? And maybe try and teach you how to fake feeling emotions..."

Papyrus blinked, "alright if you want me to."

Sans blinked up at papyrus curiously.

"I haven't been here for you have I? That changes now. I'll stay by your side." Papyrus told sans who looked relieved at that and relaxed against papyrus.

Papyrus just hummed a bit, maybe he can sing that one lullaby..there were a few songs he liked a lot to try and memorize in his last life. Though his favorite was in another language unfortunately.

But he knew the English lyrics to it since he went looking for it.

He'll try his attempt at singing it later to get sans to sleep at a reasonable time, not like there is a time here was there? But at least he can get him to sleep at some point later.

Papyrus decided with a small hum, he just preferred the song in that one language because he had loved how it sounded then.

But he doesn't know the language. Good thing he found it with the lyrics in that language. So it was nice to read while listening to the lullaby.

He had liked it so perhaps sans will like it?

He'll find out later when he tries his attempt at singing it.

Papyrus re focused on sans, "..is there anything you want to do..?"

Sans perked up, "just talking is fine! I don't know what to really do.."

Papyrus hummed, "alright. What do you want to talk about then?"

Sans gave papyrus a stumped look as he didn't know what to talk about at all.

Papyrus paused "...I would like to be able to see flowers one day..and the night sky.."

Sans perked up curious, "oh I wonder what those look like! ...what are they?"

Papyrus was silent for a few seconds, "flowers..they are pretty...they can come in different colors and shapes, some of them are poisonous. The night sky, it is dark out, but it would have stars, that look like little balls in the sky, and the moon is a ball white ball in the sky, sometimes there are clouds which can block the night sky. Or sometimes there is a new moon, which means you can't see the moon."

Transported as ink papyrus Where stories live. Discover now