Thanksgiving Special

Start from the beginning

"Oh my gosh, you have yet to calm down. Babe, why are you so nervous? Do you really think they're not gonna like you?" Harper asked. 

"Yes." Griffin answered truthfully. Harper sighed. 

"I'm telling you, don't worry, Griff." She explained. 

"What if they judge me?" Griffin panicked. 

"They are not that type of people. I don't think they could even if they wanted to! You're literally perfect. You're smart, talented, sweet, funny, and hot as hell, Griffin, how could anyone not like you?" Harper chuckled. Griffin smiled lightly. 

"Thanks, Harp." Griffin mumbled. 

"Everything's fine. They're fine, you're fine, I'm fine, everyone and everything is fine here, relax. Just take a deep breath." Harper stated. Griffin did as he was told and gripped Harper's hand as they approached the door. "You got this, Griff." 

Harper opened the door and walked straight into the dining room where her grandmother and brother were seated at the table, along with some of her younger cousins. 

"Hey, Harp. Sup, Griff." Topher greeted. 

"What's up, Toph?" Griffin said with a smile. 

"Hi, Topher. Hi nana, Amyah, Paris, Carson." She greeted everyone. Everyone greeted her. 

"Who's this?" Her grandmother asked sweetly. 

"This is Griffin, nana. My boyfriend. Griff, this is my nana." Harper introduced. 

"Hi, its so great to meet you." Griffin greeted. She took his hand in her own and squeezed it tight. 

"What a lovely young man. That's my girl, Harper." Her grandmother said proudly. Harper smiled and Griffin blushed. 

"Ooooo, Harper's got a boyfriend!" Her little cousins chanted. Griffin chuckled lightly. Harper smiled and dragged him into the living room. Her uncle's and grandfather were sitting in the living room, cheering on the football game as well as her cousin Amir who was a few months older than her. 

"Harper!" Everyone exclaimed, except for Amir. 

"Sup." He greeted simply. 

"Hey, everyone, before you go back to the game, I'd like to introduce you to someone who's very special to me. Ya'll, this is Griffin, my boyfriend. Please be nice." She muttered the last part. 

Everyone said small greetings, some shook his hand. Harper's grandfather wheeled over to him in his wheelchair. 

"You're treating my little teddy bear right, I suppose?" He asked. 

"Pops, you're embarrassing me." Harper complained. 

"I hope so. What Harper says, goes." Griffin smiled. 

"This young man's a keeper, Harpies." Her pops smiled. Griffin smiled and shook his head. 

"Thank you, sir." Griffin said. He nodded. 

"Hi, Amir." Harper said, walking over. He didn't look up from his phone. 

"Hey, Harp." He greeted.

"This is Gri-" Harper was interrupted. 

"Griffin. Yeah, I already heard, don't really care." He said, absorbed in his phone. Harper sighed. 

"You know, you could at least try. Come on, Griff, let's go see my mom." Harper said. Amir scoffed as the two walked away. Griffin and Harper stood in the foyer momentarily. He sighed. 

"Well, there's one person who doesn't like me." Griffin sighed, looking nervous again. Harper hugged him, relieving his nerves. 

"Amir is the only one I promise, and he's just annoying." Harper rolled her eyes at her cousin's stupid behavior. "My mom'll be so excited to see you!" 

They walked into the kitchen. 

"Hey, ya'll!" Harper greeted as she sashayed into the room, Griffin right behind her. 

"Hey, baby. Hey, Griff!" Jess exclaimed. She kissed her daughter on the forehead and hugged Griffin. 

Harper's aunts and little cousin Nala ran around the kitchen. 

"Everyone, this is my boyfriend, Griffin Campbell." Harper introduced. 

"Hi, its so nice to meet you all." Griffin smiled. They all peppered him with questions, which he happily answered and they all loved him. Especially Nala. After only 5 minutes, Griffin was giving her a piggy back ride across the kitchen. 

"Alright, Nals, my turn." Harper joked. Nala giggled and jumped off his back as Harper jumped onto him. Griffin grunted and chuckled, now carrying Harper throughout the kitchen. Harper's uncle Sal then entered the kitchen. 

"Hey, could we steal Griffin?" He asked. 

"If you can get her off my back." Griffin joked, gesturing to Harper. Uncle Sal walked over and pulled her off and she giggled. 

"If you need me, I'll be here." She said to Griffin with a smile. He nodded and followed uncle Sal into the living room. 

"I figured you needed a break from all those crazy women." Uncle Sal joked. Griffin laughed and the two got to know each other. 

"Dinner time!" Jess eventually called. Everyone sat at the table and said grace before feasting on a delicious Thanksgiving meal of turkey, mashed potatoes, yams, corn, stuffing, cornbread, dinner rolls, and cranberry jelly. Everything was delicious, and they all made small talk and told jokes and stories around the big table. Griffin fit right in with the family and he already loved them all. And they all loved him. Except Amir kept glaring at the boy from across the table, but Harper would notice his nervous look and squeeze his hand under the table, reassuring him. 

They ate pumpkin pie for dessert and soon they all said their goodbyes. Griffin hugged Jess goodbye and Harper grabbed her overnight bag from her room before climbing into Griffin's truck. She was gonna spend the night with him at the Tremont. 

They got home and snuggled into bed. Griffin was looking at his phone when Harper emerged from the shower around 6PM. Her hair was wrapped up in a towel, and her crop top and leggings really brought out her curves. Griffin thought everything about Harper was perfect. They way her smile was always so bright and comforting, the way her pretty black hair cascaded down her back, her beautiful brown eyes glimmering in the light, he could go on. She smirked as she watched him chuckle at a TikTok on his phone and she brushed her hair. She wandered over to the bed and straddled the boy. He blushed as Harper turned off his phone and moved it to his nightstand. 

"Remember this morning, when you pretended you didn't know where the keys were?" Harper reminded. Griffin nodded, getting flustered as she ran her hands up his shirt. 

"Yeah. What about i-it?" He stuttered out. 

"Payback time. You do as I say." Harper smirked. 

"Yes, ma'am." Griffin murmured. 

She leaned down and kissed him and rolled her hips against the bulge growing inside his pants. He moaned deeply and pulled her closer to him. 

"Someone's needy." Harper teased. 

And you can imagine how the rest of the night went after that. ;) 

Happy belated Thanksgiving! 

*let me know if I should write a smut chapter*

Love that Lasts (SOSS) (Harper x Griffin) (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now