"This is the Ever Night Province of the Demon Realm and these people are commonly known as Demons in the mainland." His cold icy tone was devoid of any emotion but at the same time, it held a warmth that was only there for his Xingan.

He was waiting for her reaction. To see how she would react after knowing that the people surrounding her were not human but demons. And most importantly he wanted to know how she would react after realizing that he was a Demon too.

The most common reaction of any sensible person who wasn't a part of the demon realm was either a look of horror or disgust. It mostly got accompanied by anger and bitterness.

Both Mortals and Immortals were not a big fan of the Demons.

Li Ming raised her eyebrows as she asked, "Demons?" Her tone sounded kind of confused.

Ruoshan wasn't sure what to think of her question but her next words sent him laughing his heart out. His Xingan was too cute and innocent.

(A|N: Bold of him to think that!)

"Aren't demons supposed to have horns or long teeth or...I don't know. They look too normal for a demon." She said while nodding towards the crowd.

She even imitated horn and teeth signs with her finger which only made her look more adorable.

Then her gaze landed on Ruoshan and she looked at him from head to toe and then asked while looking straight into his eyes, "Does that mean you are their king?" She more or less knew the answer from the way all the people.....err....demons had greeted him, but she still asked to confirm her doubt.

Ruoshan smiled a little while only blinking his eyes slowly to answer her.

"Are you kidding me? How can a demon be so handsome and beautiful? My whole life has been a lie!" Li Ming said in an alarm.

"So you think that I'm handsome and beautiful?" Ruoshan asked as he walked closer to her.

He wasn't expecting her reaction to being like this. Though his instinct told him that she would never judge him or anyone based on their race but still the doubt was there.

The fear of losing her was too much for his already cold heart.

Li Ming realized her mistake and cursed under her breath. "Did I say that? I can't remember."

Just as Ruoshan was a few inches away from her, she heard chuckles coming from around her. Her cheeks flushed red as she realized that the demons were staring at her and Ruoshan.

"You all can now return to your work," Ruoshan said to the demons surrounding them and the next second all of them disappeared back to their work.

"Let's go somewhere more private." He said as he offered his hand to her.

Li Ming held his lean and slightly cold hand with her warm and small one and once again both of them disappeared in purple smoke.

The demons had returned back to their work. Once again they were trying to fix their broken houses which would crumble down again if the sun refused to rise in their realm the coming morning, just like it had done for the last few years.

Next, they appeared at what looked like a bridge. The sound of running water under it was soothing and a clear contrast to the rest of the area.

"Why is everything so dark and gloomy here?" Li Ming asked as she surveyed the area with her keen eyes.

"If not dark and gloomy then how exactly is a demon realm supposed to look?" Ruoshan asked with a small twitch on his lips.

"I don't know. I mean according to my info the demons were not supposed to look so normal and.....even quite good looking. But it happened. That's why I'm just surprised to see this place in such a devastating state. Why the town looked like it had been ransacked by a Minotaur?" She said or more like muttered and shrugged her shoulder.

Glamorous Journey Of The Female ProtagonistWhere stories live. Discover now