4: is it true?

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I had just arrived at the base and Daisy Johnson one of Coulson's most known agents had volunteered to be in the Quinjet with me I was very confused since she hated me. I didn't think much of It until the ramp opened and I saw my boyfriend and his assistante laughing together. I glanced at agent Johnson to see her smiling at the two so I asked her if she wanted to talk. 

I didn't think she knew about my relationship with Phil so I asked her some questions like: have they always been this close? And all she could say were things like they were closer than before ever since May came back and that May is aloud to touch Lola even drive her while I can't even stand one feet close to her!also that she was pretty and that Coulson had a crush on her. That made me snap. Before she could finish her sentence I shut her up and said.

- WHAT?! I said looking at her with a giant death glare.

- Phil is not in love with her and aren't I ten times better than her! I said speaking the truth but she only looked at me and said.

Well no you aren't and why the fuck are you asking all these questions about them? Daisy said.

- Because Coulson and I are dating! I said in a mad tone. But she just said.

- Oh, I know! And she left the room.

I was raging inside I couldn't believe she said all that to piss me off! I needed to know if Daisy was lying or not so I went to coulson's office to see Coulson on his desk chair with his legs on the side of the desk and agent may sitting on the desk caressing his right leg. They were drinking wine and talking. They looked all lovey dovey and I couldn't handle it so I knocked on the door and told them who was behind the door to see what they would do.

- Hey Phil it's Rosalind I was wondering if we could speak? I said in a shy voice.

-sure, come in! Coulson said with a happy voice.

Agent May was still on the table caressing his leg. I asked her if she could get off the table and she happily jumped off it and sat on Phil's lap. I was shocked at what I was seeing they didn't even try to hide it. Phil had a hand on her thighs and the other was around her waist. His fingers were playing with her luscious hair and they were both smiling and whispering thing to each other so that I couldn't hear.

- Coulson, could you please tell your assistant to leave? I said with a sassy tone.Coulson just looked at the agent and she looked at me and said.

- As his second in command I will have to stay but don't worry he's all yours! She said with a threatening voice. I could have sworn I heard her say something else but I didn't hear well because of Coulson comment at what she said.


Me and Phil were talking about stuff. We were drinking wine and I felt different this time like if someone was throwing Cupid arrows at my heart. He looked so nice and sweet that I felt like kissing him. I knew he felt the same way because he also leaned in but someone came knocking at the door. It was Horsealind (Daisy gave me the name!) I watched as she sat down on the chair in front of Phil but I just ignored her and I continued looking at Phil but she had other plans. Rosalind asked me if I could get off the table and I accepted because I knew what to do to piss her off. I then happily jumped off the desk and made my way to Phil's lap and I knew I didn't have to hold myself because I wasn't heavy especially compared to Horsealind. I Then whispered something in his ear that made him smile. He happily put one of his hands on my thigh and put his other one around my waist. He then started playing with my hair and it made me blush. I said something in his ear that made him very excited and I looked back at mrs Prick. 

- Coulson could you please tell your assistant to leave. She said with a sassy tone. I glared at her until I felt Coulson look at me. He gave me a look that told me that I could tell her what was on my mind but instead I did something else.

- As his second in command I will have to stay but don't worry he's all yours. I said trying make her scared and she definitely was. I looked at Coulson and added a little comment that only he could hear.

- miss Horsealind Prick! He laugh silently at my comment and it made blush even more. I then got up and stood next to the door siting for them to be done. I gave her small looks and each time she would have a scared look on her face and It made my day!


I went up to Coulson's office to ask him if he could make us lunch but someone was in his office. I ran back down the stairs to get the binoculars that Fitz made so we could see what was behind walls and came back up. I saw Horsealind knocking at the door so I hid so that no one would see me. She then entered and I saw myself to the door. I put the binoculars in front of my eyes to see May on the desk. She then went onto someone's lap. I already had an idea of who it was but I still got a good look. It was A.C. I was so excited that I put the camera of the phone against the binoculars and took a video and a thousand pictures! I went back down to see Fitz-Simmons looking at me. They saw everything I did. They were keeping an eye on me so I don't go crazy because of Coulson and May. 

- Daisy don't make excuses you know you shouldn't be invading their privacy! Jemma said.

-  Although... I would like seeing the pictures! Fitz added. Jemma just glared.

- Yeah me too. She replied. 

I took out my phone and showed them the pictures. They both looked at each other and started acting like Coulson and May. They were doing kissing faces until they both stoped I turned around and saw May.

- Hey May!.. I said with an awkward tone. She looked at me and said.

- wheels up in five. 

- What's going on May, what do you know? Jemma said.

- The only thing I do know is that an inhuman is going on a killing spree but his victims are all inhumans. May replied. I looked at may with a shocked look.

- Okay we're right behind you. Jemma said. Everyone started following May until I stopped and said.

- Wait! May, will mrs Prick be joining us?

- Fortunately, yes she will be joining us! May said with a sarcastic voice. I smiled at her and she smiled back. Coulson came in and said

- Hurry up guys we're going to be late! May smiled and joined him. I walked with Fitz and Simmons and we left Horsealind in the back!


Rosalind and I were talking but it was kind of awkward I knew we had hooked up I thought of it as accidental I didn't think of it as us being well an us but I didn't know she did until May said that she was going to start the Zefer for the upcoming mission. She left and my smile slowly disappeared.

- So now that she's gone we can finally talk. Rosalind said but I was just confused.

- What do you mean?

- Well we hooked up Coulson and now you're being all distant and you're being all flirty with your assistant!

- First of all she not my assistant she's my second in command witch means that she is practically director to and us hooking up was a mistake I never meant for it to happen okay!

She stared at me with a sad look and left. I felt bad but I wasn't gonna let her think that we were dating! so I had to tell her the truth. I got up and left after I knew she was gone I went to the lab to see May still talking to the bus kids so I told them to hurry up go get in the Zefer. May joined me and we started talking.

- you know we didn't finish our conversation. I said with my dorky smile she just grinned and said. 

- I know and well finish it later! She went to the cockpit and lifted us to the air.

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