Start from the beginning

Coming to the conclusion that it wasn't on the first floor, you plodded up the large spiralling staircase, and ended up on the second floor. Now that you were really walking around, this place was absolutely huge. You felt privileged that you were able to work at a place like Freddy Fazbears Mega Pizzaplex, as this place was probably bigger then two villages combined, and you had access to anything you wanted in this place.

You wavered through the masses of arcade machines, looking all over for this damn office. You found yourself at the very far corner of the arcade, and you noticed a door. You walked through it, to be met with a more danky area compared to the lively area on the other side.

Eventually, you found the office. You walked through the sliding door, and this office was much larger then the rest. It barely looked like an office, as there was a machine with sharp razors and blades and a little drop box saying "Head deposit" which you thought was odd. The office desk was quite large, and lo and behold, a security badge lay on top of it.

You booped the little Freddy's nose, and a loud clap was heard, as if something was shutting down. "The west arcade was not shut down properly" the announcer spoke through the intercom. "Some data may be corrupted. Initialising startup sequence"

You felt your heart drop. What does this mean? Were you in trouble? Was that giant, freaky, spider DJ gonna eat y-

"Before proceeding, reset the audio manager circuit breaker, located next to the dance floor" the voice concluded. You fiddled with your walkie and held it to your mouth. "Uh..Freddy what does this mean?" you asked frantically.

"The security system knows you are here and has locked you out. Reset the breakers and restore the power to the west arcade, then you will be able to get out. Over" he stated. You exhaled, then nodded. "Okay, no problem. Over and out." Pinching the bridge of your nose, you held yourself back from launching the device in your hand straight at the wall in frustration. Why is everything tonight going so wrong?

You exited the office, back into the arcade room. You meandered your way past the bots and machines and hopped down the staircase. You kept your gaze to the floor as you stepped onto the dance floor as you didn't even want to look at the 6-legged spider.

You spotted the lever just at the other side of the room. "This must be it, right?" you murmured to yourself, and you pulled it down hesitantly. The red light just at the side of it turned green, meaning you had done it right. 3 more to go. You can get that done in a flash.

You turned back around, and noticed something was different. Something was missing. Something that was here last time but-

Oh fuck.

The giant 6-legged DJ had disappeared.

He was no longer sleeping soundly behind the booth. He completely vanished. You felt your heart drop to your stomach. You tried brushing it aside. Maybe you were overthinking it and it wasn't a bad thing that he suddenly disappeared.

"Great job. Safety protocols deactivated" the announcer spoke. "Please reset circuit breakers to all zones. Three zones remain"

You took a deep breath, and swiftly made your way off of the dance floor and to the arcade space on the other side.

Upbeat music started playing through the speakers, and it really hit. It was like suspenseful music, but really lively.

You noticed a lever before you headed upstairs. You rushed over to it and pulled it down.

"Good job. 2 zones remain" the voice spoke through the intercom again.

2 more to go. Easy peasy. Right?

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