Zeke didn't even look at her. "Fine."

Alicia noticed his mom shot a look at him. Zeke just shook his head before clearing his throat.

"Sterling," Zeke started.

Sterling looked at him, his face blank with shock. Celeste looked on, wary of the exchange.

"Y-Yeah?" Sterling asked.

"I just wanted to say that I am sorry for how I spoke to you last night," Zeke said. His voice was monotone. "I hope we can put this whole thing behind us and start out on a better foot."

It took Sterling a second to process it. He blinked a few times before he replied. "I... I'd like that."

Zeke held out his hand, and Sterling took it. Alicia had to look at Celeste to see if her eyes were playing tricks on her, but Celeste looked just as shocked. It was really happening.

Herbert clapped at the sight. "Now, isn't that nice?"

"The true meaning of Christmas," his wife agreed. "Good will towards our fellow man."

Zeke didn't respond; he just kept staring off into space with a blank look.

Hope flooded through Alicia, and she couldn't stop a smile from spreading across from her face. With Zeke being so cordial, then there may be a chance for them yet!

If only they could keep this good thing going...

The speakers crackled to life. "Great to see such turnout! Now we'll be playing in heats, so please head to find the sign up table with your partner so you know which heat you're scheduled for. Now, if you have questions..."

"Partner?" Celeste asked, confused. "I thought the poster said 'fun for the whole family,' not just part of it."

Fortunately, her dad was armed with a brochure that had all the details, and he was reading through it now. 

"Well, take a look around," he said without even glancing up. "Families come in all shapes and sizes, and it wouldn't be fair if it was eight against three."

Alicia did as he said and looked around. He was right. All kinds of families had turned out for the games—groups of the young and old as large as ten, smaller families, some couples, and a few single parents. The larger families were already splintering off into smaller groups, with each kid being claimed by a parent, an older sibling, or a grandparent.

"I guess that makes sense," Alicia said.

Herbert nodded in agreement. "So, we'll break into teams of two and compete against each other. Won't that be fun? A little healthy competition..."

"Do we get to choose our teams?" Lydia asked. "If we do, I choose you, my love!"

Herbert just laughed. "I believe we do. And I choose you, too, my love. As always."

As Herbert and Lydia linked arms, something dawned on Alicia. With this new structure, it was very possible that Zeke and Sterling wouldn't spend any time together at all.

She turned and spotted Sterling and Celeste already leaning close together. She had to think of something fast—

Alicia threw herself between them, lacing her arm with Celeste's and pulling her away.

"I call Celeste for my partner!" she cried.

"Huh?" Celeste muttered. "But I was going to partner with Sterling—"

Sterling already realized what Alicia was doing.

"Alicia..." he warned.

"Oh, please be my partner!" Alicia said to Celeste. "I haven't gotten to spend any time with you lately."

Celeste looked confused. "What are you talking about? You're my roommate. We live together. I see you everyday—"

"B-But you've been so busy!" Alicia interjected before pulling Celeste closer to whisper in her ear. "Trust me on this, Cee."

Celeste only looked more confused, but she nodded. Alicia was thankful that Celeste at least trusted her... not that she deserved it as of late.

Alicia glanced at Sterling, who was glaring daggers at her once again. But when Celeste caught his eye, he softened immediately. If Celeste wanted it, Sterling would give it to her.

Meanwhile, Zeke still looked like he was a thousand miles away. Sterling took a deep breath and turned to him.

"Guess it's you and me, buddy," Sterling said, trying his best to be friendly.

"I guess it is," Zeke said, his voice flat.

"It'll be fun!" Alicia offered. "We can face off, girls against guys!"

"Oh, I think that's a great idea," Lydia piped in and shot another significant look at her son. "And a great way to get to know someone, too."

Zeke just looked annoyed, though not enough to put up a fight. "Oh yeah. It's going to be just great."


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