Chapter 12: Varian and the Children of the Night Part 1

Start from the beginning

Rapunzel, who was watching from afar with a cross look on her face, decided to step in.

"Okay, I know everyone wants to talk with our little star here, but I really need to borrow Varian for a little bit." the princess spoke with a forced smile as she and her boy shuffled away from the pale man to join their friends.

"Varian, that was amazing! Where did you learn to play like that?" Eugene asked.

"Self taught." the kid answered. "When my mom was around, she used to sing and play piano for me whenever I was sad or restless. Playing the instrument helps me feel close to her. I even kept the sheet music she used."

"Your daily special is served, princess." Atilla announced as he placed six plates on the bar table.

"Thank you, Atilla." Rapunzel said as the Fellowship of the Sundrop prepared to eat.

"As much as I would love to stay, I must be going now. It was wonderful to meet you, Varian." Lawrence told the teen, approaching him at the table. He placed a hand on Varian's cheek which immediately heated up. "I hope to see you again soon. Don't forget, you still owe me an encore performance."

"W-when are you free?" the child asked uncomfortably, but found it hard to pull away.

"Well, I'm rather busy during the day.... But, I'm available at night." the pasty man purred.

"Um, I-I don't know. Rapunzel doesn't w-want me going off with s-strangers. Plus, I have a b-bit of a c-curfew."

"But, we're friends now. And I'm sure the princess wouldn't mind if you were out with a friend, right? Anyway, I'll see you around. Same time tomorrow?"

As Lawrence sauntered out of the Snuggly Duckling, Varian just sat there, thinking about his interaction with the strange character. He considered himself to be his friend, but he was way too close for the boys' comfort. Not to mention that Lawrence was touching him almost constantly. But, he said he was just being friendly so maybe Varian was in the wrong for feeling weird about it.

The young alchemist looked on as his friends consumed their meals without a care in the world. But, Varian looked at his own plate and suddenly didn't feel like eating anymore.

"Why do I feel like I just lost my appetite?" he asked Ruddiger who was wrapped around his shoulders.

The next day, the teenage alchemist was just leaving the bookshop when he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. There was a figure dressed in a thick black robe that covered his entire body and his hood was concealing his face. The person was standing under a store awning, staying out of the sun as much as he could. Varian was a little weirded out, but chose to just go on his way. As he was walking down the cobbled streets, the kid noticed that the robed man was following him. The stranger kept his face down and Varian could hear his husky breath from several feet away. Feeling anxious, the teen picked up the pace, but the man would not relent. The young alchemist was growing more fearful of this potential stalker so he bolted to the castle as fast as his legs could carry him. Finally, Varian made it to the castle and watched from the front balcony as the stalker stood outside the archway just watching him.

"How did he manage to catch up?" the kid thought anxiously.

"Varian." Rapunzel's voice said, causing him to yelp and jolt. He turned around and saw the princess, Lance, and Eugene standing behind him.

"Whoa, jumpy much?" Lance spoke.

"Guys, thank goodness." Varian sighed with relief. "I think someone was following me home."

"Who?" Rapunzel inquired.

"There was this guy wearing a thick black robe and he was breathing heavily behind me. Ugh, so creepy." the little alchemist shuddered.

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