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*3rd person pov*
Klaus:hello brother

(Klaus was sitting on the couch and millie and elijah was standing by the door shocked)

Klaus:miss me
Klaus:I would think you would have killed me by now
Elijah:niklaus I wouldn't even if you daggered our family you are still my brother

(Millie was looking at klaus who was smirking and than her phone rang)



Ty:hi chubs you might wanna get to the grill jules came here threatened the group and attacked damon
Chubs:she what

(Millie's eyes was turning red while klaus and elijah just watched)

Chubs:I am on my way
Ty:okay chubs

*end call*

(When the call ended millie toke the vase and threw it as it shattered on the floor but she used her magic to clean it up)

Millie:I am gonna murder her

(She grabbed her keys than remembered the boys)

Millie:I just need to slip out for a few I will be back soon and please don't kill each other there is blood in the fridge

(That said she left in her car to the grill when she arrived she saw jules  and she started hitting her she threw her on a wall and than knocked her out she put her in the car and drove back home)

*At home*
(She dragged jules inside the house amd opened the door and she saw damon with a wolf bite and stefan unconscious)

Damon:hi cupcake

(She dropped the body and ran to damon hugging him tight)

Millie:are you okay
Damon:partly but I will heal
Millie:damon that's a wolf bite you could die come let me heal it

(She bite her wrist and put it at his mouth so he could drink and his wound started healing)

Millie:go sleep in a room I have to get stefan up and going

(She started feeding stefan her blood to than she heard a growl behind her she saw jules )

Millie:don't try it your gonna get hurt
Jules:you killed my pack
Millie:you came for my sister you hurt her no one hurts my family and lives
Jules:than why am I still standing here
Millie:good point

(Millie ripped out her heart and than threw it outside)

Millie:go join mason you bitch

(She throws her outside and burns her body than walks back in cleans her hands and looks at the boys that looked shocked)

Millie:where were we
Klaus:well I was gonna ask why you weren't hurt amd than it came to me you staged this to see me
Klaus:so you are my mate
Millie:well I am you and your brother's mate
Klaus:but they are technically died
Millie:that's why I needed you here

(She sits down on the couch with him holding his hand as elijah sit in the arm chair)

Millie:nik i know why you did it and i wanna promise you that you will never he alone i will be there if you need me if you feel like you wanna talk because since i found out you daggered your brothers and sister I knew I had to know why and I do I don't blame you for it.Nik they are my mates and so are you and Elijah and I wanna be there for you all but I can't do that if you don't get them undaggered please
Klaus:I will let my witch get them here
Millie:thank you nik you are amazing

(Stefan started moving and she went to him putting his head on her lap)

Millie:welcome back to the land of the living
Stefan:good to be here
Millie:jules isn't a problem anymore stef
Stefan:did damon kill her
Millie:I did
Stefan:you little devil
Millie:I thought I was your angel

(He gets up and walks to the fridge getting a blood bag)

Klaus:what are you love
Millie:tribrid werewolf, vampire and witch
Elijah:well that is certainly fascinating
Millie:thank you eli
Stefan:I am gonna go check on damon
Millie:okay you should get sleep to
Stefan:I will

(He walks up the stairs and she sits back down rubbing her head)

Millie:this was a night
Klaus:the witch will be here in the morning
Millie:okay I am heading to bed but let me show you your rooms

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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