𝟎𝟎𝟐. peacekeeper escorts

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chapter two
peacekeeper escorts

The more Avery Spade studied Coriolanus Snow, the more she recognized him. He was the mentor of Lucy Gray Baird in the 10th Hunger Games that just took place.

The only reason she could recall this was because of the snippets of the games and pre games that she was able to see.

While the people of the districts were supposed to watch the games, Avery found herself avoiding watching the killing itself. She saw the littlest tributes and she imagined her sisters in that place. It made her shudder and want to defy the Capitol even more.

While the pre-games were being broadcasted, she remembered Coriolanus being in the zoo enclosure with Lucy Gray.

The fact that the tributes were in a zoo enclosure for Capitol citizens to see made Avery sick. It warmed her to know that Coriolanus seemed to genuinely care about Lucy Gray, at least a little bit.

If he was willing to present her that well on television and follow her into the zoo of tributes, he couldn't be all that bad.

But this presented one issue. Coriolanus was from the Capitol. Most of the Peacekeepers are from the districts originally.

Avery had a burning hatred for the Capitol, especially those directly involved in the games. They were the people that made the district's lives hell.

When she was pulled aside out of the Hob, she stood next to the much taller Coriolanus Snow who was staring directly at the brunette peacekeeper who demanded he get out of the Hob.

Coriolanus looked different from when Avery saw him on the television. His eyes were the same, but before he had luscious curls. There was something more firm present in him as a peacekeeper. Maybe it was the uniform, or maybe it was the authority he had.

They were angrily talking to each other, but in low voices. They didn't seem like they wanted Avery to hear what they were saying.

It was fair. She was a district citizen and they were Peacekeepers. Coriolanus wasn't supposed to be taking her aside like this.

Avery was a bit scared. She couldn't trust Peacekeepers, especially after what happened with her father. They wouldn't have mercy for anyone.

"C-can I go?" she stuttered in a low whisper.

Coriolanus turned and looked at her as if he had forgotten she was there. "Can I escort you back to your home?"

That was the last thing Avery had suspected Coriolanus would say. He was offering to take her to her home after saving her in the Hob. Why was he treating her so kindly when his job was to serve order?

Why was a Capitol boy showing such sympathy for a district girl?

Avery was embarrassed. Her home was small and it was run down. It definitely wasn't very tidy either. It was hard to take care of the household as a seventeen year old girl. Avery was technically still a kid even though she was forced to become an adult because of her circumstances.

Part of her didn't want Coriolanus to see her home. What would he think after living in so much luxury in the Capitol? She was uncertain as to why she cared about this Peacekeeper's opinion so much.


Coriolanus looked over at the other boy. "Would you mind if Sejanus did aswell?"

He spoke in a formal way, but also in a welcoming way. It was confusing. Avery wasn't sure if he was a threat or a potential friend.

Avery didn't respond, and Coriolanus immediately knew that was uncomfortable. "I promise, we're not going to hurt you."

He was close to her, and he had a sincere look in his enchanting ocean eyes. So, Avery nodded in agreement. "Ok."

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