Ch. 10 - A Father's Love

180 7 95

A/N: I would like to live please.

The dim yellow glow outshone the vermillion from Dominus. He glared at Aegus, who had a protective hand on Ingressus's shoulder, the young Voltaris standing nervously in the middle.

Dominus stared daggers at the two Nestoris present, "Let go of my son."

Master Aegus returned the glare and pulled the younger Voltaris away from Dominus. "No." Ingressus stared in between the two, starting to panic.

Don't fight. Please don't fight.

No one noticed as Ingressus pulled his shoulder away from Aegus's grip. The older Ardoni were still having their stare down, and Achillean was cowering behind the Nestoris Master, starting to shake in fear as he stared up at Dominus.

The Nestoris boy glanced towards Ingressus when he noticed he had broken free from Aegus. The young Voltaris walked over to Achillean in a daze, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. "A- Achi. Are- are you okay?" The Nestoris shook his head. "Are- are they going to fight?" his voice trembled with his body, "I- I don't want them to fight..." he whispered.

Glancing around, Ingressus knew this wasn't going to end well.

"It- it's going to be- be okay." The Voltaris closed his eyes and took a deep breath. It's going to be okay... He snapped his eyes open at Dominus's voice, "What have you done to him?" Ingressus looked up to Aegus, who just seemed confused, "Do to him? I have done nothing."

Dominus scoffed, "Right. I know how you are Nestoris. Ingressus would never willingly listen to you unless you did something to him." The younger Voltaris glanced to Aegus and his father in anticipation. The Nestoris Master took a step forward in anger, "As I have said, I did nothing to him," his grip on Nestor tightened, "unless you would count saving his life, I have done nothing."

The older Voltaris glared at him, holding his sword up and looked to his son, "Gress. We need to leave.

Ingressus shook his head, "N- no. I- I- I want to stay... and it's too- too dangerous to g- go back." Dominus sighed, "I understand why you would want to stay here, yet you knew we cannot." Ingressus shook his head again, and his vision started to blur as he could feel tears starting to form.

Everything blurred together as the young Voltaris tried to force himself not to cry.

Aegus placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, yet it still caused Ingressus to jump. He threw the Nestoris Master's hand off, shaking his head. Aegus sighed.

"It is alright, son."

"Do not call him that."

Everyone whipped toward Dominus, who had his sword aimed directly at Aegus.

Ingressus covered his face with the back of his hand, taking a small step back. Aegus took a deep breath, "I am just trying to help him." The older Voltaris scoffed, "How am I supposed to believe that?" he gripped his sword tighter.

"Dad, stop!" Ingressus's voice was shaking along with his body. Dominus rubbed his eyes, "I know you think you want to stay, Gress," he sighed, "but it is too dangerous." The young Voltaris shook his head and his father sighed again, "Gress. We have to leave. This place has done something to you, and I will stop anyone I need to so you can see that."

Ingressus gasped shakily at the statement, knowing what he meant. What was left of his composure broke. He turned and ran, the dim glow of his markings illuminating the walls of the mine shaft. He ignored the others as they called for him to come back.

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