chapter 5: A epic journey through the AU's

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Epic would be facing off against both (X-take) Mettaton and (X-Tale) Undyne.

Epic: now! Please make this interesting for me. Bruh!

(X-tale) Undyne: Tch! Annoying pest!

She would go to attack epic but epic would just dodge all her attacks.

Epic: are you even trying to hit me?

Epic would grab her attack then kick her away.

Epic: like bruh! Are you not putting any effort into this?

(X-take) Mettaton: Bastard!

He would then attack epic but he would also dodge there his attacks.

Epic: *sigh* I was excepting more from this.. I mean... you two can't kill me so... *snaps his finger*

 *snaps his finger*

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Epic would go see if ink needs help until he saw a purple spear get thrown at him he would absorb the spear with his hand.

Epic: uhhh... interesting... that sure packed a punch... it had landed... but I'm not really here to fight you... I lost interest in this fight... so I'll let you go. Cya.

Epic would walk away.

(X-Tale) Undyne: Get back here- Gah!

She would fall to her knees. She would surprise by how much damage she took from just one attack.

Epic: oh! I should say. I did hold back that blaster blast. So you can live another day... I can tell you have someone you care for... and I'm sure they wouldn't want you dead...

Epic would then see a portal open behind both (X-take) undyne and  (X-take) Mettaton. He would then see them go through it.

Epic: *sigh*... well... this is so far an interesting day!

Epic would then see that ink was done taking care of the nomu.

Epic: I see you're done.

Ink: ya... it wasn't fun dealing with that thing again...

Inky: anyways... who are you two?

Ink: well... as I said before we're different versions of... *points this AU's izuku*. Him.

Inky:... so your-

Ink: jerks?

Epic: jackass?

Ink/epic: nope!  We're part of the good ones.

Inky: that's hard to believe....

Ink:... I literally look like you but male?

Inky:... fair...

Epic: anyways... I believe it's best we get going... I don't want to deal with the heroes of things world.

Inky:... ya... they can be a pain... but you're not wrong...

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