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"Five Cookies, graced with Soul Jam of the purest kind. 
Wise and powerful, they rallied others to their cause."


"Your Majesty!  There's more of them coming your way!"
Wildberry shouted.  Hollyberry smirked.  "Monsters from the Berry Forest?  They're nothing we can't handle!"  She exclaimed happily.  "Ah- He's right!  There's more of us coming our way!  Mmm..."  I stood behind Hollyberry Cookie.  Even though I go adventuring for artifacts I do not engage in any of this stuff.  Harming innocent creatures is just not my style!  "Wildberry Cookie, time to show your fabled skills!"  Hollyberry Cookie exclaimed, keeping me safe by shielding me away from the creatures.  "On it, Your Majesty!"  He responded firmly, ready to attack the creatures.  With that, he went to attack them.  Along with her too, and unfortunately, she forced me to attack the creatures too.  I was kind of scared, well because it's been ages since I've engaged in combat with anything!  While I was fighting them, I couldn't help but notice something strange.  They were more fierce than usual.  Something's up.  Once we got done, all three of us were panting, well not the three of us I was the only one who was panting I just said that to make myself feel better.  Wildberry sighed.  "Those are some fierce beasts!"  He said.  I grabbed a jug out of my bag and drunk some water.  "Yeah...they're more fierce than usual.  Which is strange.  Last night I met this creature who looked like it was terrified of it's life."  I said, closing the lid to the jug.  I put it away in my bag.  "What, tired already, Wildberry Cookie?"  She teased.  "No, Your Majesty. It's just..."  He thought about the fight and what I said.  Hollyberry Cookie seemed to catch on too.  "Yes, I sense it too.  (Y/N) senses it too.  Seems like we all sense it."  Hollyberry Cookie said.  "These beasts... They are scared and fighting for their lives!"  She exclaimed.  "Yeah, they are.  It's a pain really."  I muttered.  "Well, yes.  Whatever is brewing in the Dragon's Valley... is affecting this jungle as well!"  Hollyberry Cookie said.  "Jeez...the Red Dragon really is that strong!"  I said.  "Yes!  You've heard me speak about how I flattened their face with my shield, (Y/N)!"  Hollyberry said, smiling.  "Yeah, but to think it's affecting here too...it's strange."  I muttered.  "What will you do when you find the Greenish Red Dragon?"  Wildberry asked.  "Are you truly seeking to propose an alliance?  As you mentioned back in the Crème Republic?"  He added.  "Gh- what?  An Alliance?  I wasn't aware of this?"  I asked.  "Too many questions just for one day!"  Hollyberry Cookie said.  "You see, I haven't made up my mind.  Not quite yet.  On one hand, the dragon's power will help us greatly in our war with Dark Enchantress Cookie."  She stated.  I started to write this down.  Hey, it was information!  And it was interesting.  "But on the other... Can we really trust the very creatures who have been terrorizing cookies for as long as I can remember...?"  She asked.  I also wrote this down.  It was information about the Red Dragon!  Information is Information!  "Still, our first task is to find them!  And then, well, we'll see how our... negotiation goes.  And I'm pretty sure (Y/N) will be happy to get information too!"  Hollyberry cookie exclaimed.  "AH- Why yes I would be happy!  History is History!"  I exclaimed.  Hollyberry chuckled.  "That's the spirit!"  She exclaimed.  And with that the three of us were walking once more, occasionally conversing with one another while also fighting beasts.

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