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"According to the innkeeper, the legendary Red Dragon has returned to the Dragon's Valley, huh..."  Hollyberry Cookie said, putting a hand on her chest.  "Hmm... There is only one "Legendary Red Dragon" that I know..."  She said.  "But...Burning villages is not their style..."  She said in a concerned tone.  "Yeah...they aren't known for burning villages.  I would know."  I said.  "Well, there's no point in this game of guesses!  We must find them and learn what's going on!"  Hollyberry exclaimed.  "Ah, this could be proven useful for my notes on the Dragon!  Let me get my notebook out about them!"  I exclaimed, looking through my bag.  Hollyberry laughed.  "You're still the nerd that I know and love."  Hollyberry Cookie exclaimed.  "Hey stop calling me a nerd!"  I said in a rather irritated tone.  "Aha!  I found it!"  I exclaimed, grabbing the notebook out.  I zipped my bag up and slung it over my shoulders once more.  I flipped through the pages and grabbed the pencil in it.  I wrote down, 'NEW NOTES:  Legendary Red Dragon.'  I closed it and kept it secure on a strap of my bag.  "Nerd."  Hollyberry Cookie teased.  "I told you stop calling me a nerd!"  I stammered.  She laughed  "Anyways, Time to hit the road!"  Hollyberry Cookie exclaimed.  We were just about to start walking when I heard the rustle of bushes.  I turned around, and sure enough a cookie popped out of nowhere.  I shrieked and hid behind Hollyberry Cookie. 

 "Where to, Queen Mother?"  The cookie asked.  Hollyberry Cookie looked surprised herself.  "WOAH!  You...!  How long have you been following me?!"  She asked in a shocked tone while also trying to comfort me at the same time.  The cookie eyed me before looking at Hollyberry Cookie.  "All the way from the palace, naturally.  Your Majesty, I see armor, weapons, supplies... May I ask where you are heading?"  He asked.  "...And may I ask, Your Majesty.  Who is that behind you?"  He asked in a skeptical voice.  Hollyberry Started to sweat a little.  "Um...you see... I had a craving for a glass of a very special berry juice from a remote local brewery..."  Hollyberry  Cookie muttered.  "Oh and her name is (Y/N)!  (Y/N), this is Wildberry Cookie!"  Hollyberry Cookie exclaimed.  Wildberry Cookie looked at me and waved slightly before looking at Hollyberry Cookie quite suspiciously.  "...With all due respect, Your Majesty, you're a bit too heavily armed for such a harmless trip."  He responded to her comment.  Hollyberry Started to sweat more, to which I backed away from her.  "Oh well, you know!  These berry jungles are teeming with all sorts of wild beasts!"  She said nervously.  "Your dragon claw crossbow and scale armor are not for wild beasts."  Wildberry Cookie said.  "Those are dragon-hunting tools."  He added.  Hollyberry looked like she was caught up in a lie, and she just laughed nervously.  "Ah, those...!  Ha ha!  You got me there!  Your eyes are as sharp as ever, my friend!"  Hollyberry Cookie laughed.  "Are you- err...the two of you searching for the Greenish Red Dragon?"  Wildberry Cookie asked.  I nodded a little.  "Well... we may or may not be!"  Hollyberry cookie said.  "What are you saying, your majesty?"  He asked.  "Oh enough questions!  Are you saying I can't act on my own now?!"  She asked.  "I can not allow you two to go alone.  I'm going with you two, Your Majesty."  Wildberry Cookie said.  I was about to say something when Hollyberry Cookie said something else.  "Since when are you so worried about me and her?"  She asked.  "I merely assumed that Your Majesty and her might find my company...useful."  He answered.  "Wait..."  Hollyberry gasped.  "It was Jungleberry Cookie's idea, wasn't it?"  She asked.  She seemed to be on the right track because Wildberry grunted at that response.  He puts his hand behind his head and looked away, almost as if he was caught doing something.  I couldn't help but to let out a small laugh.  "It looks as if you got caught doing something!"  I exclaimed.  "Don't question, (Y/N)."  He responded.  "...Correct.  Your Majesty."  He responded to her statement about Jungleberry's idea.  "Huh.  Well them!  What can I do!  The more the merrier!"  She exclaimed.  "I'm sure (Y/N) will enjoy your company too!"  Hollyberry Cookie exclaimed.  Wildberry cookie looked at me.  "What are you supposed to be exactly?"  He asked me.  "Oh well, I'm a historian!  I was sent on a task by my boss to research the events in the Dragon's Valley.  He also wanted me to get information about the Red Dragon, and if Hollyberry is going there then why not join?"  I said, smiling.  "Hm."  He only hummed as he looked at Hollyberry Cookie.  

"But, you're right Wildberry Cookie!  We're heading to the Dragon's Valley in search of the Legendary Red Dragon!"  Hollyberry Cookie exclaimed.  "And in doing so, I'm going to let this nerd get her information!  Ha ha!"  Hollyberry Exclaimed, patting me on the back harshly a few times.  My scythe slipped out of my hands as I stumbled forward.  "HOLLYBERRY!"  I yelled, picking my scythe up and grunting.  "What?  I can't tease my old friend?  Hehe!"  Hollyberry Cookie chuckled.  I mumbled something before looking away.  Hollyberry could only laugh before looking back at Wildberry with a serious face.  "If that Overgrown lizard is behind the recent attacks, I must put an end to it!"  She said.  He sighed.  "Very well.  When shall we depart?"  Wildberry Cookie asked.  "NOW!  WE SHOLUD DEPART NOW- ! Ha- uh sorry...I got excited there for a second."  I said, gripping my scythe more tightly.  "Ha ha!  If you wish to go now, my friend, then we shall go!  Off we go!"  And with that, the three of us walked with each other, presumably to the Dragon's Valley.

Yes!  Our adventure has officially started!  

After all, what could go wrong?

 ━━━━ ⊱ °。 ☾ °。⊰━━━━━━━━ ⊱ °。 ☾ °。⊰━━━━

I love doing these type of stories! :D

I love doing these type of stories! :D

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Agnosthesia- A Pitaya Dragon Cookie x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora