Chapter Three

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I'm the last one arriving for breakfast. Everyone's already seated and drinking something that looks like Coffee.

"It's Hot chocolate." I'm told by Peeta.

To be honest, I can't really get over the fact they hooked Panem in their grip by kissing in a cave. It kept them both alive though.

Me and the boys were talking last night, I've got a feeling that if we look over Feebee we're going to regret it. She's got this intelligent look in her eyes, and I'm honestly kind of intimidated by it. She looks her age today, with her hair down, practically sitting on it because of the length.

I notice that when someone looks at her they're immediately caught off guard. That's not good, not when there's a chance she's tricking us all into thinking she's weak.

I don't know what she's playing, she told them our strengths last night. If she can actually run that fast, I have a feeling she's definitely going to survive past the first day. She's way too smart to be caught like that girl from District 8 last year.

I'm pretty sure Haymitch can see it as well.

I sit next to her, and she doesn't jump in surprise just continues though I can tell from her stance she knows I'm here. She probably knows where every moving thing in this room is. She definitely has got an eye out on her surroundings.

I take a deep breath and feed myself food.

"We'll be arriving soon." Effie tells us. I just nod, and glance at all of us in the room.

"Who's mentoring who?" Orion asks, obviously curious.

"We're mentoring you together. Four victors. Four of you. We're trying to get you to win." Peeta answers.

Katniss doesn't really talk much. Neither does Haymitch really.

"I want to know how you guys think. That's helpful so we know how we can communicate with you. "Katniss suddenly says, running her eyes over us all. Haymitch nods. Effie bubbles as well. Peeta just nods.

"Tell us what you guys think about things." Haymitch tells us.

"Get out fast. No chance I sm surviving a bloodbath between 74 tributes." Feebee tells us. "Don't make it look like we like each other, then when we get into the arena and we inevitably team up, nobody expects it. Catch them off guard."

Smart girl. Very smart. Everyone looks impressed.

"I like it. Last year we made it clear we were a team and it worked out." Katniss says suddenly.

Haldin's face flickers with annoyance.

"You had 22 other guys. We have 71. It's easier for them to kill us. Odds aren't in our favour. Plus, didn't you end up only getting together when it was announced you could both win?" Haldin says, looking aggravated I can't blame him.

Katniss looks down, seeming ashamed.

Then I see the Capitol through the window. And stand up slightly. 

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