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"He was sunshine,
I was midnight rain"

⊱'Midnight rain' by Taylor Swift⊰

Characters: Lee Minho (leeknow) x reader
Genre: fluff, slight angst
T!W: mentions of drinking, alcohol, emotional trauma? (idk what to call it)  and physical abuse (if you squint)
Word count: 1.3k words


Tears ran down your face as You ran and ran as fast as your tired legs could carry you through the rainy night,ignoring the frantic screaming form your mother to turn around as you tried to get as far away as possible from the place you called home.

You could feel the heavy rain pouring down on your exhausted figure but you couldn't car less at this point. You'd always loved the rain, especially at night. The soft sounds of the raindrops falling around you, the gentle night breeze as the water droplets flowed with the wind, the calming smell that came with the rain, you loved it all.

Everything was just so peaceful to you and you enjoyed staying up a little later during rainy nights to just sit and think about life, the only sound being the falling rain and occasional song of the crickets outside.

But right now, as much as you wanted to enjoy the rain, you knew you had to keep running. All you had to do was get far enough to not be found by your mother for a while, at least that's what you told yourself in an attempt to bring comfort to your tired self.

Your mom had come home drunk again and began yelling at you and throwing stuff at you. Your dad left your mum when your were 10 and even though their marriage fell through because of your mum, with you being the only child, she always managed to put the blame on you one way or another.

She had come home drunk multiple times and this wasn't the first time something like this had happened but today was the worst it had ever gotten.

Like Usual, she started blaming you for her broken marriage and when you answered back for once, she lost it and started hitting you. Which led to your current situation.

After running for what felt like hours, you finally reached an empty park. It was around 10pm at night so you didn't really expect to find anyone as you made your way to a nearby bench and sat down.

You lifted your sleeve and looked at the fresh bruises on your arm as you felt tears well up in your eyes. You thought about what you could have possibly done to deserve such treatment and soon, you felt a tear escape your eye.

One tear became two, two tears became four and soon you were crying your heart out on the park bench, letting the rain around you muffle your cries. You were soaked to the bone and you knew you'd probably get sick but you didn't care, all you wanted to do curl up into a hole and cry your lungs out.

After crying for a bit, you heard footsteps and when you looked up you saw the familiar silhouette of your boyfriend, Minho."y/n? Is that you?" Upon seeing him, you brought your hands to your eyes in a futile attempt to wipe your tears as the rain still poured down around you.

He hurriedly walked closer to you and took of his jacket,worry etched on his face as he tried to shield you at least a little bit from the pouring rain. "What are you doing out here it's raining cats and dogs for gods sake! And your soaked to bone, what happened?"

You took one look at him before you felt fresh tears run down your wet face. You hugged Minho tight, as though you were scared that if you let go, he would disappear.

He hugged you back tighter. He didn't know what happened but he knew that if it was enough to make you run away from home in the pouring Rain then he knew that whatever happened was really bad.

He had only ever seen you cry once before and seeing you like this broke his heart.

He felt you bury your face in the crook of his neck as you let out choked sobs and that only made him hug you tighter. He knew about your situation with your mum and guessed what happened.

He patted your back reassuringly in an attempt to calm you down. "Look, I don't know what happened, and I won't pressure you to tell me but first we need to get you somewhere warm and dry, my cars parked around that corner so let's take you home first,okay?" He said as he pulled away and looked you in your eyes, earning a small nod in return.

He walked with you all the way to his car, not caring if he too got soaked, before driving you back to his apartment. The drive there was silent and he kept one hand holding your comfortingly as the other gripped the steering wheel.

When you arrived at his apartment, he ran you a hot shower and layed out some spare clothes of his out for you to change into once you were done  before hopping in the shower after you.

The two of you had finished up and now you were both cuddling under the oh so familiar covers of minhos bed as he held you lovingly in his arms. By now you had fully calmed down though your eyes we're still puffy and swollen from crying so much.

"Wanna talk about it now?" Minho asked in a soft voice. You explained the situation to him and he listened quietly as you talked, holding you a little tighter than before.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that y/n".his voice was apologetic and you could see the sympathy and sadness on his face. " it's okay, I'll be moving out next week anyways so it doesn't really matter"you said as you looked back at him.

Suddenly it hit you, how did he find you? You had gone out quite far into the city so you were confused on how he found you. "By the way, how did you find me?" You asked genuinely curious as you were sure your phone died about halfway during your little run.

He paused for a moment before beginning,"Well,I tried calling  and texting you multiple times but you weren't picking up and then I got worried and checked your location to see if you were safe. Then when I saw that you were last in some random part of the city I went out to look for you because i got scared something bad happened to you"

You listened to every word carefully until it registered in your mind just how much he went through to find you. He drove out to middle of nowhere looking for you in the pouring rain because he was worried about you. Your heart swelled at the thought of how much trouble he went through for you.

"I can't believe you did all that, for me.. " you said as your eyes met his.

"I would go to the moon and back if it meant I got to see you safe" he said as he gave you a soft smile.

You pulled him closer and placed a  kiss on his lips. It was short and brief but the meaning behind it spoke volumes to him.

~"I love you Minho, so so much"

~"I love you too, y/n, more than you'll ever know"


Tysm for reading! Hope you enjoyed ♡, heres a Minho one shot to make upfor my lack of activity on posting 🥲. Don't forget to vote and comment!♡♡


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