"Mhm... Cool, cool."

        "Yeah." Seungmin looked at his backpack on the floor beside him and he sighed.  Taking it by its straps, he pulled it to him and took out his math exercise book before putting it back on the ground. He should probably finish some of those exercises, shouldn't he? He should. So deciding it was the better option, it was what he did for the rest of his shift whenever there weren't any customers waiting on the other side of the desk, paying for whatever they were buying.

        Minho had kept himself busy with his work around the convenience store, too. He didn't have a set shift, so he was usually always available anytime after his college hours. The only times he wouldn't be available would be when he would switch with his cousin. The store was owned by his uncle and he had put his son and Minho as second-in-charge after him, so in a way or another, Minho was sort of superior to Seungmin in position. That difference didn't change anything about their relationship, though. Both Minho and Daesung, Minho's cousin, were on good terms with Seungmin. Although, he had to admit; he was closer to Minho than he was to Daesung.

        Seungmin's shift ended at seven, and it was twenty minutes later when he finally entered his home. Having to walk home instead of taking his bike slowed him down a few minutes, but he was pretty used to it by then; his bike was becoming more of a pain than any help at that point.

        His home's door creaked as he pushed it open, closing it with another creak before he walked inside. As usual, his father was still out. He would usually return around midnight, if not even later.

        His mother was asleep on the living room couch, her old laptop sitting on the coffee table beside her, a YouTube ad playing on its screen. A few bottles of soju had been left beside the device too, all opened and completely emptied out. Seungmin inhaled deeply, making his way towards the small table. He paused the ad on the laptop before turning it off. Picking up the soju bottles too, he took them to the kitchen, disposing of them before he headed for the stairs, making his way up to where his room was.

        The place wasn't large. A two-story home; two bedrooms, one bathroom upstairs, and a small kitchen and living room downstairs. Seungmin's father had described it as just right. Perfect for the three of them. Not too big, nor too small. Still in good shape, even though the walls began to show cracks at certain places, the paint ripping off of them at others.

        At least it wasn't breaking apart, though, Seungmin thought.

        His mother would always go on about how his father had made a horrible choice, deciding to buy the place without even asking her or even discussing it back when Seungmin was just a child. And even though it had been over a decade since then, her rants never really stopped.

        Seungmin tossed his backpack beside his desk once he was in his bedroom. He threw himself onto his bed, stretching his arms and legs with a groan. He had an hour left before he had to go out again to tutor. How much homework did he have left for tomorrow? Did he have a test?

        Pulling himself off of his mattress, Seungmin walked to his desk, kneeling beside his bag and taking out the small notebook he wrote his to-do lists in. He opened it, beginning to flip through its pages, and once he found the page he was looking for, he scanned the scribbled-down words he had hurriedly inked down earlier that day. He had four yet-to-be-finished tasks and an hour. Less than an hour, actually, considering the extra minutes it took to get home and the tutoring he had to do later.

        With an exhausted huff, he reached for his backpack again, pulling out his History textbook before he searched for the assigned pages. Before he could find them, though, his phone dinged, making his head instinctively turn to the device. A new notification had popped up on the screen, a text from an unsaved number.

        Seungmin let go of the textbook and tapped on the notification, unlocking the phone before the messages began to load.

Hey genius
You forgot your eight grade math notebook at the library
Why the fuck do you study eighth grade math

        Seungmin's eyebrows knotted together seeing the picture of his black notebook attached after the texts. Had he really forgotten his notebook at the library? But he clearly remembered taking it and putting it in his backpack.

I haven't realized that I've forgotten it
And I don't study eighth grade math
I tutor an eighth grader
I write examples and problems for him in that notebook

        He paused as he sent the text, seeing the 'read' appear under the blue text bubble. Before the person on the other end could reply, though, he quickly typed out another message and sent it.

Who's this btw?

        The three dots at the bottom of the screen appeared, disappeared, and then once again reappeared as the person on the other line began to type.

Ah so you're also a tutor
That's cool
Kim Seungmin and his never ending list of jobs
I'm Hyeseong
Got your number through Hyunjin dw I'm not a stalker lol
Anyways I was gonna ask if you wanted to come take it now since I'm already out
But if you're busy it's okay I'll give it to you at school tomorrow

        Seungmin's gaze moved to the time at the corner of the phone screen. Was it really worth going out again just to get a notebook? He was busy, he always was, but he still needed that notebook for tutoring later. Couldn't he just go to collect it once he was done with studying History?

       His gaze moved back to the text messages, and with pursed lips, he began to type out a reply again.

Will you still be out in like
Fifty-something minutes?
I can come and take it then

        It's a moment later when the message is marked as read.

Namdong park?

Yeah that sounds good

        Seungmin sent the message before he put the phone down. Two new texts appeared at the bottom of the screen, and once he read them, a small curl formed at one end of his lips.

I'll be waiting :)

———・——— ☆ ———・———

Damn I've been dead :')
Sorry for the horrible delay I've been so caught up with school and even when I don't have any school work I'm too busy stressing about everything else (coz yk life is so fun :D)
I'll try to be more consistent with my updates so I don't keep you guys waiting when the chapters will anyway be quite short, so- yeah :D
Hoping you enjoyed this chap <3

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