002 | two

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        Doing group studies really was different. Much easier and a lot more fun, Seungmin realized. They had completed the chemistry homework sheets the teacher had given them and then they had moved on to biology. They read the pages the teacher had assigned to them to study before they tested each other orally, one of them asking questions the others were supposed to answer.

        It had already passed the one-hour mark when they finished, and realizing he was going to be late for his shift at the convenience store, Seungmin quickly collected his things, stuffing everything into his backpack in a hurry before saying a quick 'bye' and making his way out of the library. A bit too suddenly, too, leaving the others at the table to exchange puzzled or surprised gazes.

        "You're late."

         The familiar voice rang through Seungmin's ears the moment he stepped into the convenience store. Eying the college student who was kneeling on the floor, stacking canned goods onto the bottom shelves, he raised an eyebrow. "I sent you a text telling you I will be late, though? Did you not get it?"

        Getting up and running a hand through his light brown hair, Seungmin's co-worker, Lee Minho, shook his head. "Nope. I don't think so. I never received a notification." He grabbed the empty boxes on the floor, a slight grin forming on his lips. "But, even if you did send a text, you have no excuse for being late. Or do you?" he asked, making his way to the store's entrance. "I've been doing two jobs at once for the past half an hour, and that is very not fun. You owe me another dinner, Kim."

        Seungmin dropped his backpack beside the cash desk with a scoff. "I'm literally broke," he muttered, and Minho turned to him.

        "That's not my problem."

        Seungmin rolled his eyes at Minho's grin. "I hate you, seriously." He threw himself onto the cash desk's chair (or the shitty chair as Minho liked to call it even if it wasn't so shitty), and he groaned as he finally stretched.

        "So," Minho began, "How was the extra study group session?"

        Seungmin hummed. "It was nice. Different."

        "Made any new friends?"

        Seungmin held back a dry laugh. "New friends? Who do you think I am, Minho, the hell?"

        Minho shrugged. "I don't know, were the students not nice? Did something happen?" he asked, eyebrows furrowing at the younger's tone.

        Seungmin just sighed, though. "No, they're nice. I just don't make friends like that, you know. I can barely keep up with the two idiots I have right now anyway," he replied, referring to Hyunjin and Felix. "The students were chill. Talked with a few of them. Nothing outside of school, though."

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