Chapter 2

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Alright! Here we go! Alex Loomans is Andrew!

Chapter 2

I stared at myself in the mirror and adjusted my jet black short shorts and tugged on my flimsy 'Be Happy' crop top.

Tonight was Saturday and every other Saturday Andrew Covington threw one of his 'epic' parties. Andrew was the quarterback for the Maysfield High School Sharks and one of the school's biggest heartthrob's as well as biggest geek. Not only was he the captain of the football team, but also the captain of the math team and chess team. He was also apart of the debate club and any other extra curricular you could think of that your school would consider full of nerds.

None the less Andrew was considered popular, but he just liked to think of himself as average but with the ability to get along with everyone. Andrew was probably the most accepting non- judgmental person I know.

Andrew had a few freckles and reddish brown hair that glistened like a new copper penny in the sun. Together, he and Ryan were the hottest guys at our school. 

I grabbed my black yoga pants and pulled them on over my shorts and put a hoodie on over my shirt. I flew out of my room and ran down the stairs. "I'm going over Ryan's to study for the Biology test Monday!" I yelled to no one in particular, but knew my mom would hear me. My book bag was already in my Prius so I got my purse and car keys from the closet in the foyer and stormed out the door.


Ryan's house was only ten minutes away and the drive there was on a peaceful country road. My windows were rolled down exposing me to the cool night air that felt good on my face. The winding road was lit up by the bright summer moon. 


I could hear the melodious sound of Ryan's doorbell echo through his house from his porch. The door swung wide open and I was greeted by soul searing blue eyes. "Maggie!"

"Hey buddy!" I sang. I hopped over Ryan's doorstop and attacked him with a bear hug. We ran up the stairs and into his room. I flopped on Ryan's king size bed out of breath from that short inclined jog. I heard Ryan shut the door behind us and I could hear the click of the door locking. I sat up and looked around the familiar room. There were pictures of him and his band playing and the advertisements for the few gigs they've gotten. Skulleton was pretty good though. I glanced at Ryan's nightstand and realized it was covered with all different kinds of snacks.

"So c'mon lets study," Ryan said.

"You mean I study while you eat?" I said, already knowing Ryan would not fully participate.

"That works too," Ryan plopped down next to me and put the snacks on the bed. As I took my Biology book and binder out of my book bag while I heard the various sounds of wrappers opening behind me. I turned around to see Ryan demolishing a jumbo chocolate cookie.

I laughed, "Like I said, I study while you play as cookie monster."

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