I'll Find You

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Italics = Spanish

In Malibu, California there was an orphanage. An orphanage where a one year old, Afro Latino baby was given up fifteen years ago.

That Child was left with nothing but the name in which he was given by his parents, Oliver.

This was shortly shortened to Ollie by the official caregiver over the orphanage at the time, Maria Luiz.

Maria Luiz raised Ollie into the lovely soft spoken boy he was today. Teaching him that every conflict could be solved with kindness. That violence was never the answer and to hold grudges of the past is to lose precious time in the present.

The woman was his best friend for all his years there and his only source of happiness.

Sometimes he wondered if he was lucky that his parents left him there with her. It's how he became who he was today and he wouldn't ask for any other way of life.

..Especially now of all times


Breathing deeply, a brown skinned woman opened the door to the orphanage she came to do long ago. Deja vu hit her like a truck as she tried to push down the guilt she felt inside.

"Good afternoon," The receptionist greeted with a kind smile,"How may I help you?"

"I um," The woman hesitated, sighing,"Is there perhaps an Oliver who lives here? He should be around sixteen o-or seventeen?" She asked hastily, and reached into her purse pulling out a baby picture,"I-I know this is a baby picture but if anyone resembles him I mi-"

"I'm very sorry, ma'am," The receptionist apologized, shaking her head with a sympathetic expression,"There are no Oliver's here but I could check in our files if we ever had one,"

"Please," The woman whispered gratefully, as the receptionist went in the back and searched through the files.

Looking around she saw countless children running around playing with each other. Smiles on their little faces, full of happiness and she couldn't help but smile at them as she wondered if this was the life her son once lived.

"It looks like there was an Oliver here once upon a time," The receptionist said as she made her way back to the woman, putting down a few papers,"Now I'm not exactly supposed to give this information out but he's no longer here and this place isn't even owned by the same people it was when he was here so," she shrugged with a chuckle,"We'll act as if they don't apply," she joked

"My lucky day, huh," The woman chuckled in reply, a smile of relief on her face

"It says here that he was adopted by this couple from Ohio," The receptionist told her, looking through the pages,"Lima, when he was around the age of nine. So he's long gone now," she laughed, and looked up at the woman,"Here are his parents papers, maybe you could contact them. I can't give much more information as it's highly against the law but I do hope this was helpful,"

"Lima, Ohio," The woman mumbled to herself, as she was handed the papers and grabbed the baby picture tightly in her hands,"Is there a photo of him?" She asked, hoping that there were so she could get a glimpse of what he might look like now

"Um, yes actually," The receptionist smiled, grabbing the picture of the nine year old Ollie or Oliver,"Here you go," she said, handing the picture to the woman

Looking down at the photo, the woman gasped softly as tears started to fill her eyes,"I missed so much," she whispered in Spanish and looked up at the receptionist,"Thank you so much," she thanked and made her way to the exit

"Happy I could help," The receptionist called after her

Getting into her car, the woman grabbed her phone calling someone quickly,"Mi amor, I found him," she said tearfully


We have officially transitioned into season twoooo

Lmk how you feel about this chapter.

How do you think this will affect the story and Ollie?

Hope you enjoyed,

Thank you ❤️

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