CHAPTER ONE: the beginning

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The Quacks dining room was silent, its elegant, white-tiled floors and high ceilings created a cold, clean space. Big Q was seated at its center, his attention focused on the moon's light that was creeping in through the large windows. Quackity was eating dinner calmly, not really eating it, more so just fidgeting at it with his fork. He wasnt all that hungry; his gut was telling him tonight would not really be a good night, and his apetite was decreasing for that sole reason. 

Quackity's mother, Angelina, was at the head of the table. She was a fair and decently lean woman, with black hair and dark eyes. She was wearing a deep blue blouse, and had her hair up in a bun. With how she was eating, she was deep in thought. Though, no one at the table had commented on the atmosphere of the room. Yet. 

"Your getting married" She spoke suddenly, looking to Quackity. She appeared dead serious. Well that explains why she seemed so.. uncomfortable talking beforehand. Quackity was caught off guard to be very blunt- but was he suprised? No. Hell, his parents had been discussing this for years since he was the only child they had. It was easily their most well known subject; of who and when he would get married and have their grandchildren. And, more importantly, how powerful was the suitor in said wedding. 

Big Q took a deep breath, trying to calm himself and not let his temper get the better of him, his voice was harsh and firm as he spoke "No, I'm not. Not now, at least." He took a bite of his foot, before going back to just pushing it with his fork idly. His father, a tall lean mexican man, sat at the other end of the table, glanced towards Quackity. Great.. was he now involved? Maybe their actually serious about this shit this time around. "Oh come on, Alexis it's just what you need, a nice, loving person to settle down with." His deep voice spoke calmly, shaking Quackity out of his thoughts. 

The two shared a look: as there clearly was something Quackity was unaware of here. Though, the cat would soon be let out of the bag by their expressions. Angelina/His mother spoke calmly "Should I explain this to him or do you wish to?" She sips her tea, looking expectantly at her husband as he clears his throat, looking back towards Quackity. "No, no, I'll explain. Alexis... the family has made an arrangement for you, something that'll benefit us in many ways for a long, long time." Quackity raised an eyebrow, a silent impulsion for him to go on. "Your aware of Wilbur Soot, yes?"

Quackitys face paled. Wilbur Soot? THE Wilbur Soot? For some mild context.. Wilbur was a well known man- he and Aztec Speedwing had taken over the major government systems 6 years prior. While Wilbur succeeded.. Aztec never lived to tell the tale. Wilbur  didnt take the death well- and his cruelty and sadism had increased tenfold to any and all that even slightly angered him. 

"What? What do you mean, father? What of.. *him*?" He spoke with genuine worry, concerned of where this was going. 

"Me and your mother have created an arranged marriage between you and him." What. No. Hell fucking no. Is he insane? He must be insane. Batshit. "Father, you cannot be serious!" He cries out, not in sadness- but of genuine exasperation. There is no way in all hell that they are serious. No way. His father cleared his throat to get their attention once more before continueing. "Alexis, you are leaving within a short time to go marry the lord. This is not up for debate, and will not be redecided. Though, me and your mother are willing to answer some questions you have if you wish."

"I thought this was going to be another lecture or family dinner, not- not-" Quackitys voice falters, shaking slightly in emotion. He was being sent to marry Wilbur? The batshit ruler who had no real morals nor ethics in his actions? The man who had killed thousands if not millions in his rise to power? The exact same one known for being cruel, and somewhat rumored to be dramatic? Though, that last one was most likely a rumor. The odds of a tyrant being dramatic were low. 

"Your still 17, your life is our decision." Oh. So thats how theyre playing this? "Im turning 18 next month! You cant do this to me when ill literally be a legal adult in the wedding most likely anyways??" "You wont be. The wedding is in 3 weeks." Quackity froze. "WHAT?!"

((yall so damn sorry lol- i changed my mind last minute on Quackityxoc and just went with tntduo with a self insert for character developement. Dw, no cringy y/n shit. 814 wordss))

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