Part 2

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As time passed they realized that they couldn't keep guessing and assuming what Opal meant they wanted t to understand one another completely not play a game of charades trying to interpret what she meant. She physically couldn't speak since the start of her ghostly existence and most individuals couldn't even see her not like Bors could from their first encounter. They needed to find a talisman or tool to help them better connect and take their relationship to a deeper level they needed to find a tool to help maneuver the gap between the living and the dead. They hoped to be able to free Opal from her silence caused by the internal limbo that death created. 

At the start of their quest to find this tool of some sort, they started to research on the internet which led them to find references to an ancient text that could give them a lead to their goal. They travelled to ancient Greece where these texts upon reading led to them consulting a medium to help them understand the mysteries in the afterlife from a more expert source of information than a mere dead woman and a remote customer service representative that Bors has as a career when a medium career is connected to the afterlife itself. This journey was fraught with challenges that they had to overcome with their determination and hope to develop their unique connection to each other through this guide to the afterlife as without possible successes they would be lost for evermore in their journey of discovery to help them be able to cross just a little bit more between their worlds for a chance to deeping there connection to each other. 

This led them to Teresa Belington a medium of wide rounded in the Greece area they approached her house and rang the doorbell; "Come in" said Teresa which echoed through the closed doors outside of the house. Opal walked through the door and into the living room where Terrisa stood, Bors wasn't so lucky. He couldn't glide through walls and doors like Opal did. Because Opal's ghostly essence gave her such ability. Bors didn't have that luxury. So, he had to walk through the maze of Teresa's house; until he found them. The two women were waiting for him in the living room lounge. Teresa's eyes glazed over as Bors walked in and said "To be able to establish the communitive connection you two desire a sacrifice must be made to give Opal the power of her voice you must give the power of your sight: a transaction must be made your eyes for her voice and in the sacrificial ritual you'll bless a talisman that as long as Opal wears she will be able to speak but for her to keep that ability you'll forsake the right of having your sight to keep the balance of all things". 

As Teresa finished speaking she fell towards the floor and said "Get out, you abomination of nature" As the clouds cleared from her eyes her true self was revealed and the couple could see this was not the woman they were speaking to mere seconds ago, whoever that was took hold of the medium to pass the message and the woman leftover detests there defiance of the natural order of all things. The couple ran and ran to escape the woman in fear of what she was doing to the other for they feared not for themselves but for each other instead. As they ran they felt a weight rise off their shoulders and they felt hope and excitement for the possibility that this ritual gave them and they were willing to pay the price no matter what giving up Bors sight meant nothing compared to the ability to be able to finally talk to Opal through more than just mere expressions and gesture to each other and they existed for the next chapter in there lives together.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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