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The pogues are now all in the Kitchen eating breakfast.

"Guys what if he does come back" Sarah worries

"And if you think that was bad, just wait til her mum turns up" JJ chips in

Kiara gives him a look but them smiles.

"He's right, we can't hide away forever" Kie says

"Why not?" John B whines

"Do you think you should maybe.... Talk to your parents, at least then they wouldn't be knocking our door down again." Pope says

Kiara sighs "your probably right, I guess I've just been trying to postpone it for as long as possible"

"what could they possibly say that would make it any better?" JJ asks annoyed that pope would suggest that.

"Well they can't make it any worse" she shrugs

JJ continues looking worried.

"JJ it's ok, I'm not going anywhere" she says reassuringly

He nods.

"Ok well I'm gonna go get a shower" Kie gets up and walks of.

The others finish up and leave the room until it's only JJ and John B left.

"Sooo ... you and Kie huh?" John B teases

"Guilty" JJ raises his hands

"What happened?"

"I err ... I told her I loved her" he smiles at the thought of it.

"You did?" He says in shock


"Wow... I mean Good for you, I'm happy for you both"

"Thanks man"

"And It's about bloody time"

JJ raises an eyebrow smirking

"Oh come on man, do you think I'm blind?" He laughs

*later in the day

"Guys it's the annual bonfire tonight" Sarah smirks

"ugh no way, you know what happened last time" John B rolls his eyes.

"Come on, it might be fun" she pleads

"Doubt it" pope adds

"Don't we deserve to just be regular teenagers for once? At least for a night?"

"I agree, fuck it, let's go" Kie says and Sarah smiles at her.

"I'm in, I've never been before" Cleo agrees

"Fine" pope and JJ say in unison

They all look at John B

"Well I'm not gunna sit here all on my own am I"

"Ok great" Sarah claps


"I vote the girls get the drinks in" John B says

"All those in favour"

JJ and pope raise there hands laughing

"Whatever" Kie rolls her eyes and both girls walk of, Sarah giving them the middle finger as they go.

"Sarah?" They hear and turn around

It's topper.

Sarah hesitates to walk over to him.

"Sarah don't, not a good idea" kiara shakes her head

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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