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"Alright kids, it's lunch time, go eat lunch and then after that we'll have a break cause I don't want you guys to throw up" The track coach said. "Ok" The team said. They all walked to the locker rooms and took a shower then changed into comfortable clothes.


(Without the glasses)

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(Without the glasses)



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They walked to the cafeteria and saw those girls sitting with the boys

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They walked to the cafeteria and saw those girls sitting with the boys. "What are they doing?" Jake asked. "They probably thought we were gonna stay outside for lunch. There's an empty seat beside each of the boys, we're fine" Sunoo said.

They went to sit down and saw all of the boys let out a breath of relief. "Thank you for coming, I felt like I was gonna die" Niki said. Sunoo chuckled and sat beside Niki. Soyeon rolled her eyes.

"We're sorry to disturb you while you're eating your lunch, but we are looking for Shim Jake. Shim Jake please come to the office" The principle said on the intercom. Jake furrowed his eyebrows and walked to the office. The girls exchanged silent glances.

"Anyway..." Then the conversation went on.

~A few minutes later~

Jake came back with red eyes. "Can you take me home?" Jake said. "Why are you crying?" Sunoo asked. "Just take me home please" Jake said. Jake walked off to the exit of the building and went to Sunoo's car. He waited for Sunoo to come out and when he did they both got into the car and drove off. "Tell me what happened" Sunoo said.

"So when I walked in there they had my stuff and they sat me down. They started talking about how they don't tolerate what I "brung" to school. Then I'm confused because there's nothing in my book bag that they don't tolerate. Then he pulls a fucking vape out of my goddamn book bag and he goes, "well this is what we don't tolerate. You're suspended for 3 days" Then I told that I don't vape and I never have but he still sent me home. Someone planted that on me. I have never vaped in my life" Jake said.

"It's obvious that someone planted that on you, you literally have trauma of vapes" Sunoo said. "Exactly, both of my parents are dead from vapes, why would I do it?" Jake argued.

Sunoo pulled into driveway and Jake left the car. "There's food in the fridge" Sunoo said. Jake nodded and unlocked the door and went inside. He watched Sunoo drive off and went back to the school.

Sunoo pulled up to the school and when he walked in Sunghoon rushed towards him. "What happened?" Sunghoon asked. "Calm down, I can't say it here, go to the lockers" Sunoo said. They both went to the lockers and Sunoo told him.

"Someone planted a vape on him, and he got in trouble" Sunoo said. "Who would've done that!?" Sunghoon said. "I have my mind set on who could've done it but I can't assume" Sunoo said. "Anyway, I'll let you come over to my house so you can talk to him, he's just there for 3 days" Sunoo said.

"Thank you so much" Sunghoon said. Sunoo stopped in his tracks and thought about something. He walked to the principle's office to ask him "Sir, Jake Shim is in the track competition this Friday, but he's suspended so what is he going to do?" Sunoo asked.

"He will come for the competition, then he will leave after" He said. Sunoo nodded and walked out. "Why did he have to be suspended today?" Sunoo complained.



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