6: Dances and temptations

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'I knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs.'


-Main Character-

A regular window has suddenly caught my attention. No, actually the sight of the outside world that it presents me has caught my eye. Jake did mention we were somewhere solitary and perhaps something about being in woods. These two pieces of information are enough to give chills to someone. But that depends on how you imagine it. Like right now, the sight of the woods is nothing like I imagined.

The greenery spreads to every corner of the scenery the window manages to show. It's a shade closer to emerald green. The light of sunset is making it only better.

A thud brings me back inside. Then, his voice sounded as if it's covered with honey and whenever he speaks softly to me, I think it's all to manipulate me. "I agree that's quite a scene outside but I'd have you not distracted if that's possible." He has kept a bundle of blank sheets on the table.

I asked Jake to allow me access to one of his computers to do my share of investigation on the family who controls Seraphic. Their last name is as exotic- Meadows. Then, I asked him to get me a notebook or something to write on. I can't remember things well until I have written them somewhere. And to my surprise, he doesn't pass any stupid comment and gets me the sheets.

"Thanks." I say, taking one of the sheets from the bundle.

Jake sits in front of the largest monitor. I'm sitting at the table that is slightly behind Jake's and it gives me a good view of his screen. I can definitely keep an eye on his work from here. I can even do it at the moment but my eyes are lured back to the window.

A few moments pass before I hear an audible sigh from Jake. When I look at him, he is already looking at me with his intense glare. Then, he rotates his chair and folds his hand, keeping his eyes on me. "Should I draw the curtains? Would that make you feel a little productive?" He warns. It's a warning to get me started on my work that I should be taking seriously but all I can think of is how his voice would sound with a British accent.

"Can I go outside?" Sitting in that obnoxious room made me forget how it feels to walk around without looking behind for the potential tail. Falling into the chasm of the dark web has certainly deprived me of simple rights of life. And I know Jake is someone who can understand that well.

Perhaps, he chose this place for the same reason.

Jake blinks and averts his gaze before saying, "No." He turns away.

I curse at myself for forgetting that Jake might be someone I can relate to but that doesn't make the distance between our souls vanish.

If I ever fall, I can imagine him having a flicker of sympathy and still walking past me. Probably while laughing at my incompetence.

That fact does not stop me from pushing further. After all, this is a brilliant opportunity for me to test how long he can deny me while I plead. And maybe I catch a weakness or two. I change my voice, making it light. "Ten minutes, max. You can put a timer. I'll be back before you hit the timer." As much as I hate this pleading edge to my voice, I love the fact that I can use it even when I am not even a bit desperate.

He doesn't stop moving his fingers on his keyboard.

"Jake, please." I add the magic word at the end and it holds its significance. Jake stops typing.

He turns. I can tell by the look on his face that he's going to deny.

"Do you want me to write it down for you?" He nods at the sheets. "There will be at least something written on them." And he turns towards the screen again.

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