CHAPTER 6 : A Nice Day to Start A New Day

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A/n: sorry for the grammatical errors.

The next morning when Marion wake up, Harvey is not beside her. She then exit the room and go to the kitchen to find that her fiance a.k.a. her male preparing foods for her. She scoop aside Harvey and kiss his cheek. “Good morning Love. Let’s me cook for the breakfast today.” Harvey blush and say “Morning Abelle, you should continue sleeping its still early in the morning. About the cooking, you no need to worry because I will prepare all that for you from now on because you are my mate.”

“Love, in my place I use to do all this and if u didn’t let me do anything for our home like this, you might spoil me.” Marion frown. “Beside, its Marion for you not Abelle anymore since you are my mate. Don’t you think you should change that first, Love?” Marion chuckle.

Harvey feel so warm in his heart when he hear Marion said “our home” as he do not thought that he will get a mate. He just let Marion do all the thing that she want as long as it not harm her. “Mari, I suppose to spoil you so that you will feel comfortable living here. Also, it is a male job to satisfy their female needs. So you shouldn’t feel any guilt for that.”

“Well if you don’t want me to feel that way, you should let me do the cooking at least. Trust me, you will addicted to my cooking if you taste what I make for you. Please…. Love… Pretty please??” Marion beg with a cute face to Harvey.

“Alright, but only if you let me help you do the copping and the hard work. I don’t want you to burn you hand while doing the cooking.” Harvey sigh and give up for her. Marion was so happy and hug Harvey and did not forget to give him a peck before she went to the ‘medicine’ area where Harvey put his medicine.

“What do you need medicine for Mari? Do you feel any hurt? Tell me. Let me check you.” Marion didn’t answer him and just continue to pick some of the spices for the ingredient for her cooking. After Marion collect all the herbs and all, she go back to the kitchen and start doing what she need to do. Harvey feeling anxious at how Marion didn’t answer him and he just keep on tailing her to see just in case she hurt anywhere.

“Love, why don’t you just sit down and let me handle all of this. You are disturbing me right now. I take all this herbs just for the cooking, I am okay. Look at me, I don’t have any wound or hurt elsewhere. don’t worry too much.” Harvey just sigh. He actually want to ask Marion if it is save to use the medicine on the meat because he never try to do that before but after he look at Marion face a bit annoyed with him, he just sat back down and only stare at her while she’s cooking.

A short while later, he smell a delicious fragrant come from the pot that Marion make and approach Marion. “Mari, what do you cook? Its smell so good. I bet the neighbour next door also can smell this fragrant.” Marion just smile and give him a proud look. “This is a stew, I make it from the meat you got and put some of the herbs that you got there. Also, these herbs that you got here is the one that make the stew smell good. In where I came from, we often use this kind of herb to cook our foods. Also the yellow root that you use to massage my ankle also can be use for cooking.” Marion explain while holding all the herbs that she use.

After the stew cooked. They sit down at the floor and begin to eat, Marion ask Harvey to eat first to taste the meal. Harvey take a small spoon of the stew to taste, after he taste the stew his eyes went widen and quickly shove all the stew in his pot to his mouth. “Mari, you are genius! This stew taste better with the herbs and sure do I will addicted to your cooking. Don’t worry My Mari, I will learn how to cook delicious foods for you from now on.” Marion chuckle and just continue eating her food.

During the afternoon, Marion and Harvey take a walk to the nearby river to have picnic and maybe take a swim for a bit if the weather got very hot. After they arrived at the river, there are no one there except for them and Marion look for a place to sit under one of the shallow tree near the river. “Come sit with me here Love.” Marion pat the place near where she sit on. Harvey sit on the place that Marion pat on and he lift Marion up so that she can sit on his lap. They just sit there for about an hour while cuddling and chit chat for a bit bout their favourite thing to do during free time before they both went for a swim in the river.

Marion feel so relaxing while floating in the river while Harvey swim near her the whole time to assist her just in case she feel tired after swimming. Suddenly, she feel goosebumps all of the sudden and starting to look at the direction of nearby woods near the river. She had the feeling of being watched, ever since she arrived at this world her six senses kick in making her very sensitive and high alert at her surrounding. Harvey look at her and asking if anything wrong and try to smell their surrounding if there have any beasts around near them, but he cant detect anything within where they are now. Probably just a wild animal Marion thought. After a few minutes later they got up and go back to their hut.

Its already dark outside when they reach their hut and Harvey starting to make the dinner while Marion going to their room to rest for a bit. She changing into a comfortable dress that Harvey make for her during the day and start to think why do she keep feeling like being watched  these few days. While changing, she notice that on her right torso there have been a mark or you can say 2 marks that look like a diamond shape on her skin. Almost like she just done a tattoo on her torso. She touch the marks and suddenly she feel some energy coming inside her body and suddenly she colapse on the floor while panting. Harvey surge to room and quickly run to Marion and hold her and ask “Mari! W..what happen? Are you alright? Why do you suddenly out of the breath? Do you feel any pain? Tell me where do you hurts?” While checking on her.

“I am okay Love. Don’t worry, I just…” she thought for a while before she look at her torso again. “Love, do you happen to know what these marks are? While am changing just now, I notice these marks on me and when I touch it suddenly I feel a warm energy rush through me and making me out of breath. What does that mean?” while showing Harvey her marks. Harvey gasp and looking at Marion in the eyes with an admiration and adore look and say “Mari.. you have 2 stripes. I never thought that the ancient story of a female to have stripes would be truth. I guess the Beast God must have favor you with their bless to give you the stripes.” “What do you mean by the ancient story?” she ask.

“There is this story I heard not long ago while I learn about being a healer with Gary, the old ape beastman healer where he told me about this story where this long time ago before we were born probably a few hundred years ago I guess, females who are bless by Beast God will have a stripe and will bear a power that no other males can have and those females with that kind of power will be consider as a royal blood and will be treated as a queen as they hold a mindful power. Yes, you hear me right. Mindful power as in you can enhance your power through mind and weaken someone else power by using your power to suppress them. Plus there also no female can have more than 1 stripe except for 1000 years ago where this one female have a 2 stripes and she have been our Beast Goddess for many years and as you can see right through this window, one of the moons there are name after her right in the middle are call Meredith Moon. and as for the second stripes power, no one know what the power are capable of.” Harvey explained.

Marion just stood there and lost in thought, because she never know that in the manhua there are a lot of things that do not happen and its seem like this world has it own story beside from the manhua. They both then go to the  kitchen to eat to fill their stomach before going off to bed.

A/n: Well I don’t know about the ancient story, I just add on what I feel like it. So please don’t say anything about the changes or anything that no related to the BATB cos heyy! It’s a fanfic baby. So I going to finish this here. Thank you all for still supporting me by reading my story. Love you guys.

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