2. Confused About the Hotel Carpet

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   "It's okay... I know you love your job,"

   "Not as much as I love you... okay? Never think that I love anything more than you," I tugged some of his ash blonde hair behind his ear... that's when his scent hit my nose... he was going through his second sexual maturity. The drunk look in his eyes told me he had caught my scent, too. He looked so confused. "Son... I have an important meeting in an hour and must get to work. I am so sorry-"

   "Dad... it's okay. I should have come to you sooner,"

   "No, you shouldn't have. I should have been more in your life than burying myself in work to take off this summer... I promise I will make it up to you," I told him and kissed his forehead. "Here, Baby... my Cadillac won't survive a cross-country trip. Why don't you and your sisters go shopping for a car,"

   "A-A car?"

   "Of course, your siblings got cars when they turned eighteen... money is no limit, sweetie, by what you want," I told him and pulled him into a hug... fuck, he smelled so intoxicating. His scent smelled like Bourbon and Vanilla Ice Cream. I started drooling. 

   "Listen, I don't blame anyone but me for this happening... well, you can blame your Mom... but have a good time with your sister today, okay? Why don't you go to the mall and grab some new clothes, again, money is no limit... okay? A sweet boy like you needs a new wardrobe when he turns eighteen,"

   "Are you sure, Dad?" He asked

   "Of Course... I will meet you guys for lunch. I will have to tie up some loose ends for Hasan later today. Then we can get your Brother to head to Benaco... Okay, Son?"

   "Okay, Dad... have a good time with your meeting, and tell Hasan to thank you for letting me steal you for the summer," Jonny told me. He got on his tippy toes and kissed me on the cheek. Even though I was already lowered to be eye-to-eye with him, I still had to lean down. I always knew he would be an Omega. He was built like his Poppy. His Mother is 6 ft 3, his Sisters are 6 ft 5, his Brother is 6 ft 10, his Uncle is 6 ft 11, and I am 7 ft 3.

   "Okay, Sweet Boy, go take a shower, and I will tell your sisters to come to get you," I told him, and he walked into the room. I spun around on my heels and stomped out to the parking lot. I dialed Kendalyn's Phone.

   "Dad, Did Jonny come to you last night?"

   "He stayed in the hallway... look, you and Kary came to the hotel and took Jonny shopping today..."

   "Dad, he hates me..."

   "No, he doesn't... Look, Kendalyn, please take him to the car dealership and mall, put your problems aside, and do what he wants today,"

   "What are you going to do?"

   "I'm coming to talk to your Mother. I don't want you to be there when I get there... I love you, Sweetie. Be gone and headed to the Marigold in 10 minutes..." I told her.

The Cummings - Cursed Bloodline Series - 18+حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن