"You want me to walk you?" He said.

"No it's fine."

"Alright. Call me when you get in there." He said keeping his gaze on her and she nodded and walked off.

"Hi. I'm here to visit Tremaine Pierre." Ariana said to the receptionist in the first, showing her id. The lady quickly typed his name, searching for his file.

"What is your relationship to him?" She questioned.

"He's my boyfriend?" She said in an unsure tone.

"Unfortunately visiting hours are about to end and only immediate family is allowed for him at the moment."

"Oh...okay thank you." She said, stepping away from the desk. She looked around seeing it was busy with all the people walking around. Something told her to walk around and check if she could find him, but she didn't wanna risk the trouble. She thought about it for a second, before walking down the hall. After cutting a few corners, she lowly gasped seeing his name on the door. She stepped closer looking through the small window on the door.

She frowned seeing tubes in his mouth and over his arms. A wave of guilt came over her seeing him. His eyes were shut, but she can tell he was slowly breathing.

"Unfortunately only immediate family is allowed to see him due to the critical condition." A voice said making her jump and turn around to see a woman in scrubs.

"Is he going to be okay?" She asked.

"It's looking like it. He's just in and out consciousness." The nurse said.

"Okay. Thank you so much." She said a bit relieved. To avoid getting seen by anyone else without a visitor's pass, she turned around and her head collided with someone's chest.

"Be careful nigga." Kay's cold hands wrapped around her waist.

"What are you doing in here?" She whispered, pushing him back.

"I was worried, you didn't call me. I told you call me when you get inside."

"I'm fine. They didn't let me see him.


"Because I'm not family. You know you really shouldn't be here."

"I don't care." He shrugged.

She shook her head. "You're so crazy."

"You knew this about me since the day we met." He exposed his gap as he smiled at her. "Can we go home now? I hate hospitals."

She nodded and he practically dragged her out of the hospital. Apart of her was still upset about how this whole thing ended, but for some reason she felt nothing at the moment. She looked over at Kay who was now driving. His hair was pulled down in a low ponytail and he had on a grey polo suit.

She couldn't lie having Kimora's father in her life allowed her to sit back and relax a little bit more and she was appreciative for everything he was doing for the both of him.

"Ari?" He said breaking the silence.


"You sure you good? You been quiet all day."

"Yeah. It's just a lot." She truthfully spoke. "You know if Jo and them back yet?"

"Nah. I doubt it though." He said. "Why? You miss her?"

"A little." She admitted. Kay placed his hand on top of hers as he drove. He calmed her down a bit, an effect they both had on each other. He was exhausted with all the driving he did today so as soon as he got in the house he went to his bedroom, that the two shared last night. She followed behind him, laying on the bed as he roamed through his dresser.

"You still like these chocolates?" He said tossing a blue packaged Amedei milk chocolate bar.

"Oh wow I haven't been able to find these in store in so long. I love these." She said raising her voice in excitement.

"Yeah I figured. I don't know why that little ass bar cost 75 dollars."

"Because it's so good. Come try some." She pulled him onto the bed.

"No I don't want it. It's for you." He said turning away.

"No please. I don't like eating by myself." She continued to pull him, they began pulling each other until she found herself in a position where she was straddling him. He calmed down, placing his hand on her hips. She forced his mouth open, placing a small piece she had broken in his mouth.

"It's good right?"

"Yeah. You tryna spit in my mouth? Add some flavor."

"You're so nasty." She shook her head.

"Just for you, but let me know whenever you want more chocolate I gotchu."

Despite his tough demeanor, she knew deep inside he was sweet and loving. She really only seen that side come out with Kimora but she was starting to see it with herself.

"Thank you ba-" She said but stopped herself.

When they both realized she caught herself, he smirked at her. "I know you wanna be with me. I don't know what the fuck you waiting on."

"Well first of all you just shot my boyfriend."

"Your ex. I'm your boyfriend don't wish no shit like that on me."

"Second, you a thot."

"I showed you my phone. No bitches in that shit. If they text me they get left there. I only want you. What's next?"

"That's it." She shrugged.

"Well let me see your phone."

She handed her phone over, folding her arms as he scrolled through it.

"Who's Zay?"

"He's a security guard at my job."

"Stop texting him."

"He's married babe." She chuckled. "And gay."

He waved her off as he was now looking through her camera roll. He chuckled bitterly, making her look over seeing explicit photos of the two in her hidden photos.

"Kay! Why are you looking at that?" She said snatching her phone back.

"Nah it's cool. I know I fuck you better than him. I fuck you so good we don't even got time for pictures."

He had his hand wrapped around her neck satisfyingly. "Delete em."

"Later." She tossed her phone to the side and laid om the bed.

"You feeling better?" He asked, biting his lip.

She shrugged. "Let's go to sleep. I'm tired."

My Lady | Kay FlockWhere stories live. Discover now