Part 3: Out With The Old, In With The New

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Izuku was staring down the Sludge Villain that held his Former Best Friend, Bakugo, hostage with a look of overwhelming confidence, something that surprised Bakugo, but was quickly overshadowed by the fear of dying he was feeling right now.

Bakugo: What the hell are you doing here, Deku?!?!

Izuku: I'm here to save you, what else do you think I'm to do?!?!

Izuku would look at the living mass of Sludge and give the villain a small smirk.

Izuku: If I were you, I'd let him go, otherwise, you might regret it.

The Sludge Villain snickered at Izuku's threat, passing it off as some sort of empty promise before raising a tendril of sludge in the air.

S.V: How about I show YOU what I'm really about brat!

The S.V would go to smash Izuku into the pavement but would stop an inch away from his face as he felt a wave of uneasiness wash over him, causing him to back away from Izuku and release Bakugo before moving to the middle of the street and look around the area frantically as if something or someone was stalking him.

S.V: What did you do???!! What's happening to m- AGRHHHH!!

Suddenly, the S.V would burst into flames, making him scream out in pain before falling to the ground and revealing a small, nude boy with some burn marks on his body. Heroes would swarm the area and surround Izuku and Bakugo while the police took the boy and got him to Paramedics. However, to none of Izuku's surprise, the Heroes tried to reprimand him for jumping in like that and using his Quirk illegally.

Izuku: OH?! So I was just supposed to let him die, like how all of you were going to do?!?!

The crowd would fall silent, but news reporters kept their cameras rolling.

Izuku: All of you just sat there like a bunch of headless chickens and almost watched an innocent civilian lose their life because you were all too afraid to do your job! However, when someone tries to do the right thing, you belittle him and try to make it seem like I did something wrong, like, what form of logic is that?! TELL ME, WHAT IS IT?!?!

The Heroes remained silent and only lowered their heads, some even cried while the crowd of innocent people that were watching the scene play out started to understand where Izuku was coming from.

Izuku: Next time, if you don't want to be embarrassed like this again, do what you came here to do.

And with that, izuku would pick up his backpack and leave the area, leaving a group of remade Heroes and a woke crowd of folks.

As Izuku was walking home, Bakugo caught up to him and looked at him with his typical glare.


Izuku would look at Bakugo with a raised eyebrow before chuckling and shaking his head disapprovingly, angering the blonde further.

Izuku: Even after facing death itself, you can't spare me a quick thank you or anything? Is your pride that high that you can't even thank someone for saving your life?!?

As Izuku continued to talk, Bakugo only got more angrier, causing him to activate his Quirk and go to attack izuku, however, as soon as he took one step forward, the bones in his leg snapped and he fell to the ground in pain. Izuku would look up and see W.O.U smirking at him, causing the green-haired boy to smirk back and turn around.

Izuku: Alright Bakugo, I leave you be. Just...try to not get captured by another villain again, kay?

And with that, Midoriya would walk off, leaving a disabled Bakugo to rant and complain to his life's content. After arriving home, Izuku would greet his mother, who was glad that he was okay, and head up to his room. Izuku would look around his room and realize that he was too much of a fanboy, a fanboy of All Might none of the less, so he took down a majority of the merch and placed them in some boxes that he would eventually sell later on before sitting on his bed and looking at his window to see W.O.U step out of it and sit in a nearby chair.

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