Keefe had felt fear and shock on her, and she'd managed to tuck away her other emotions, like guilt, so he hadn't sensed anything abnormal. He grounded Savi for a month and sent her back to her bedroom. She was pretty sure it'd be okay. He'd definitely still let her hang out with Via and Harmony.

But... would Via and Harmony still want to be with her once they realized the deal she'd made with the Neverseen?

So, she told her two friends everything when she visited Everglen the next day. Via was extremely quiet about it all, and Harmony said, "That's it? You're leaving us? Joining the Neverseen for a stupid ability?"

"I don't know what to do," Savi confessed. "It's Mesmerizing. Grady's the only Mesmer, and... I don't know. Maybe I'll finally be important."

"Savi, you've got three abilities. Via and I haven't even manifested yet." Harmony couldn't believe that Savi was giving up her entire life just to become a Mesmer. "But you told us, so you're having second thoughts."

"Not exactly, but... I don't really know. I want that ability, but I think I'll regret swearing fealty to the Neverseen."

"Then do it," Harmony whispered. "You can conceal your emotions, or Gisela's going to teach you how to do that, right? Then conceal them. Learn how to. Then join the Neverseen as a spy. By teaching you how to do that, Savi, Gisela's going to make you unstoppable."

"She has eyes and ears everywhere," Savi warned.

"I understand," Harmony said.

"Oh," said Via. "Actually, about that, I manifested as a Telepath yesterday."

"That's weird," Savi said. "Your parents are a Technopath and Pyrokinetic."

Via shrugged. "I don't know. Anyway... Harmony, can Savi and I enter your head and continue this conversation telepathically?"

Harmony gave a curt nod.

Both Savi and Via extended their hands and touched Harmony's forehead, feeling their friend give a cold shiver when they did so, and entered her head. Harmony instantly hid away all her memories, living them in a blank, open space.

What am I going to tell Keefe and Sophie? Savi transmitted.

Harmony fidgeted with her hands. I hate that I'm suggesting this, but I don't think you should tell them. They'll make you turn down the opportunity, Keefe especially, also why aren't you calling them Mom and Dad?

It's very complicated, Savi answered, and I'm not quite ready to explain it yet.

Okay, said Via, but just remember, you might disappear for long periods of time. You'll need to cover for that, and a convincing cover as well.

I could make it sound like I'm going to your place, or Harmony's.

Via looked unhappy. But then, right, if your parents ever ask mine or Harmony's about the fun playdates, they're going to be clueless.

That's... true. Or I could go to your house to start with.

What if they come in? Via looked really uncomfortable. I don't know about you, Harmony, but I don't want to get into trouble.

Harmony shrugged. I would risk my life for my friends. I know we were off to a bad start, Savi, but well, our parents are great friends, and I know my mom didn't have the best relationship with yours to start with. And for the count? My mom didn't force me to be friends with you.

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