Slicked Goodnights...

383 30 75

Lani POV:

It's been awhile since a day was this long.

My entire body ached by the time I finally stumbled back to my apartment, feeling every muscle of mine throbbing in fatigue. If the nights were anything like how they normally were, I'd skip dinner and practically fall into my bed, taking a handful of pain meds to finally kick this nasty headache—except, fuck, I just remembered I ran out of ibuprofen last night.

Whatever. I'm too tired to turn around and go buy some...

With my eyes half closed, I jabbed my key into the lock before throwing the door open, expecting to be greeted by the pitch black emptiness that I was always met with when I entered this place. I've spent a lot of time alone, even as a child when I lived in a house full of people. I'm used to the darkness by now.

However, to my surprise, I was greeted by a face full of light instead, seeing my house lamps turned on before I remembered the events that happened hours ago. That's right, it seems that my visitor had decided to stay. But, it was a little more than just...that.

The smell of food—home cooked food from the kitchen, was something I hadn't smelled in years. It had me curious as I closed my door and I kicked off my heels, feeling the balls of my feet aching as I walked through my apartment. The sound of pans clattering in the kitchen caught my attention and I stumbled towards it, feeling my heart flutter at the sight.

Shouto hadn't noticed me yet as he continued cutting up fresh vegetables. The sleeves of his baggy All Might shirt were rolled up, and his hair was a little tousled from, what looked to be, a few hours of napping. He took a handful of the green onions he cut up, carefully sprinkling them into the little bowl next to him that was wafting with steam.

It wasn't a sight I'd seen before—not from him, or most people in my life, and had I not accidentally knocked over the book on the end table and exposed myself for watching, who knows how long I would have stood there. It's embarrassing to think about honestly.

Shouto immediately looked up in surprise and caught sight of me, making my heart jump in a way that said I was busted. "Uh—hey." I said immediately, trying to appear as if I hadn't been creepily watching him for the last few minutes.

I didn't want to believe his eyes softened when he looked at me. And I'm sure I just imagined the way he instinctively ran a clean hand through his hair as he trailed his gaze up and down my frame.

He swallowed nervously, and his dual colored eyes were clearly filled with a million thoughts and words. His mouth only got out three of them. "Oh. You're back." He uttered, standing a little awkwardly in the kitchen now.

His voice sounded blunt and disinterested on the outside, but I knew Shouto pretty well by now. And I could recognize the very subtle, yet, distinct changes in his voice. It was softer and relieved, and it filled my cold heart with warmth.

Not that I deserve the warmth, or even Shouto's attention after the shit I've been doing today.

I'm never one to feel awkward and unnerved, or at least, I never let people see that side of me. But, Shouto has a way of bringing it out of me. He has a way of making sure I can't ever hide. And, considering I'm the villain he's trying to catch, right under his own nose....that's not a good thing. It's not good to be so honest. So vulnerable.

But, right now, I'm tired. And, stupidly, I missed him.

And, I dunno, with all the delicious smells in the kitchen, and the soft lamp lights in the living room, and coming back to Shouto looking so cozy in his sweats, I didn't have it in me to pretend. Because for the first time, my house felt like a home, and it brought me some sort of escape as I sighed cathartically and walked into the kitchen.

Bad Habits - (Shouto x OC)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora