Hope Lupin: unlike you

Hope Lupin: you should be more quiet

Euphemia Potter: That's enough now sweethearts

Euphemia Potter: Would any of you like to floo over for a cup of tea and some cake?

Euphemia Potter: My cakes are very yummy *smiley face emoji*

Euphemia Potter: And I have loads of different types of tea

Euphemia Potter: loads of different chai

Euphemia Potter: green tea

Euphemia Potter: raspberry and lemon herbal tea

Euphemia Potter: lavender and strawberries

Euphemia Potter: wild apple and cinnamon

Euphemia Potter: chamomile vanilla and manuka honey

Euphemia Potter: just lemon tea 

Euphemia Potter: matcha

Hope Lupin: you had me at tea and cake

Hope Lupin: im coming over

Hope Lupin: once i figure out how to...

Jolene Evans: what the hell is floo

Jolene Evans: is it some weird magical thing

Hope Lupin: some weird magical thing about burning yourself

 Hope Lupin: and i think your askes fly out the chimney to the place you need to go 

Hope Lupin: then the ashes turn into you

Hope Lupin: smth like that

Jolene Evans: magic ppl are sick

Martin Pettigrew: lol

Martin Pettigrew: that's not how it works

Hope Lupin: how does it work then genius

Martin Pettigrew: first off thanks for the compliment

Hope Lupin: it wasnt a compliment

Martin Pettigrew: how it works is that

Martin Pettigrew: basically

Martin Pettigrew: um

Jolene Evans: get on with it

Martin Pettigrew: i am be patient man

Martin Pettigrew: anyway so basically

Martin Pettigrew: you transport through other ppls fireplaces to get to the one you need to get to

Jolene Evans: how tho

Hope Lupin: does it hurt

Jolene Evans:  what if you don't have a fire place

Martin Pettigrew: relax

Martin Pettigrew: I know I'm populur but I didn't know i was that populur

Jolene Evans: *popular

Martin Pettigrew: sorry for being dumb?

Jolene Evans: thank you

Hope Lupin: wait marty

Hope Lupin: do I just throw the green powder in?

Martin Pettigrew: wait not yet lemme explain

Martin Pettigrew: so you throw it in then step in and say 'potter cottage'

Hope Lupin: STEP IN?


Fleamont Potter: The powder stops it from burning you

Hope Lupin: are you sure though...?

Edwina Pettigrew: yes

Hope Lupin: how does it work tho

Martin Pettigrew: magic *sparkles emoji*

Hope Lupin: okay imma go change

Hope Lupin: don't miss me too much kay

Jolene Evans: you wish 

Hope Lupin: cute right!

Jolene Evans: ugh those trousers looks so cute

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Jolene Evans: ugh those trousers looks so cute

Jolene Evans: give them here

Martin Pettigrew: man really tried to be 'asthetic'

Jolene Evans: *aesthetic

Martin Evans: whatever

Hope Lupin: what you wearing? 

Jolene Evans: give me one sec

Jolene Evans: I wear this skirt too much

Hope Lupin: black skirts go with everything?

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Hope Lupin: black skirts go with everything?

Fleamont Potter: Even with a clown suit?

Edwina Pettigrew: Boy you better be joking. 

Edwina Pettigrew: I'm flooing over Effie!

Euphemia Potter: okay!

Euphemia Potter: oh can you bring those leftover cookies?

Edwina Pettigrew: oh sure!

Lyall Lupin: I'm not coming

Hope Lupin: no one asked

Lyall Lupin: oh

Lyall Lupin: kay

Jolene Evans: im proud to be a mupple

Martin Pettigrew: bit random

Hope Lupin: real

This chapter is really short sorry : ( I just want to get more chapters done. I'll try make them longer for you guys.


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