Ray PoV
I was sitting on a tree these past days have been troublesome I have been avoiding everyone I got promoted to a jonin and I hadn't got a lot of time to relax so I went into the city I then saw sumirei. She asked If I wanted to go eat something I don't know why but I said yes. So we walked to fried bread place , because I know that it is her favourite place so we continued walking she asked me how it is to be a jounin and i said I liked it.
So how is you're team I said she talked about her team how they were doing how it was always annoying how she had to write the report and that she started to learn medical jutsu I don't know why but my heart started to beat I found myself smiling then we were at the fried bread place and I bought every thing on that menu for her she was very happy and she started talking again how bad she was at tajutsu I offered my help she said thanks then it started getting dark out I started walking away but before I said thank you sumirei and tapped her head she started getting red and I left home when I arrived home I saw my father,mother and sister sitting at one table my mother asked if I wanted to eat but sarada said no he doesn't he already ate on his date I yelled at her it wasn't a date and pouted and went to my room they are all such a drag I read my book and went to sleep when I woke up I stood up and got ready I went to the hokages office to see what my mission was but I didn't have one weired then I went out.

I went out to see what I could do then I saw boruto walking then he bumped in to me he started to apologise till he looked up he said Ray and I looked at him emotinless and started to countinue walking I heared a muffle happy bestfriends day and he continued walking when I came home I saw my family getting ready to go somewhere I asked and they said we all are going to the uzumakis I deadpanned and slumped in an corner while we started heading out as we arrived naruto opened us the door and we went in I looked around sarada went to himawari while boruto wanted to fist bump so I did and walked around to the couch and started reading then boruto came with a present and said happy bestfriends day I beamed and saw the book I screamed nannnii and it was the 4 vol of the story of naruto he said he knew how much I liked this book so he looked around for it the whole day. I looked what I had in my pouch and I saw a kageyama viedio game with his limited edition glasses now it Was his turn to say nannnii and the adults chuckled and played the video game then we stared to eat and I looked at boruto and started eating faster and said I want again. Till they went to the backyard and turned On our karma and started to do a tajutsu battle and of course I won and then we went my father asked I boruto you're best friend I just responded I know him since a long time and went to my room and slept. On the next day I wrote a scroll with hidden contents and it puffed away. On the next day I saw sumirei and asked if she wanted to eat Dango and she gladly agreed then we went to sit by the river. Then she started to blush so I healed her she said thank you and started to blush then we walked around the village.

Boruto PoV
See I told you guys their dating I said to mitsuki shikadai iwabe metal,inojin and sarada and chocho mabey they are just aquantinces mitsuki said he I may bestfriend I exclaimed I know how he works

Ray PoV
I brought sumirei home as I turned around I felt some chakra signutres so I threw a kunai at them and the apeering infront of them quit following me I said annoyed and threw a kunai at boruto cutting his hair a little bit then proceeding to walk home sigh I know him for 13 years and he still finds ways to annoy me

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