meeting friends

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Sajo is at school, reading a book, then Hori comes in and says, "Hey, Sajo." Sajo turns around and says, "Hey, Hori," in a frightened tone. Hori asks, "What's wrong? I'm just nervous about meeting your friends." Hori giggles and says, "Don't be, they'll love you." She grabs Sajo's hands and drags him to the cafeteria, where Nicole and Lana are sitting. Sajo sits down, and Nicole says to Hori, "He's the most innocent in our class. Don't make him as evil as you." Sajo says, "She's not evil, just a bit of a teaser to me." Hori says with a giggle, "Are you sure I'm just a teaser and not some evil villain?" as a joke. Sajo says confidently, "I'm sure," not realizing it's a joke. Hori and Nicole laugh, and Hori says, "It was a joke, you idiot." Sajo says, "Oh, I didn't know, and I'm not an idiot." Hori says, "Yeah, you're a nerd," and laughs. Sajo says, "Stop it." Hori says, "Stop what? Calling you names, loser?" and laughs even more. Sajo says, "Yeah." Hori says, "How about you cry me a river because I'm not stopping, nerd." Sajo says to Nicole with a smile, "Is she always so devious?" Nicole says, "Yeah." Hori says to Sajo, "I'm just being truthful," and sticks her tongue out. Lana says, "A bit mean, though." Hori says, "I suppose you're somewhat right." Lana says to Sajo, "Careful, she might tease you to suicide," as a joke. Sajo says nervously, "I'm sure she won't." Hori says, "I might," and gets super close to Sajo. Hori then leans in and asks Sajo to close his eyes. Sajo does just that, and Hori takes a squishy, putting it on Sajo's lip, making him feel like it was a kiss. Sajo opens his eyes, looks down, only to see the squishy. Hori laughs and says, "Did you catch feelings for my toy? Do you want to kiss her again?" Sajo blushes in embarrassment and says, "Stop teasing me." Hori says, "Fine, I'm sorry. Maybe next time I might not pretend to kiss you." Sajo blushes, and Lana says, "I like him; he seems good for you." Hori and Nicole say, "Maybe too kind." Sajo turns around, then Hori laughs and says, "While on the outside, you're a nerd, on the inside, you're like a maiden." Sajo says, "I'm not." Hori says, "You are," and tickles Sajo, causing him to laugh. Hori then blows air into his ear continuously and laughs. Sajo says, "Stop being such a bully." Hori says, "Stop being such a dork," and starts pinching his cheeks. Nicole and Lana stand up, then leave, and Hori says, "Just you and me, Sajo, just how I like it," with a teasing tone. Sajo turns around, and Hori says, "I'm kidding; don't be so guarded," and laughs.

Hori And SajoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon