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"While Hori and Sajo go for some food after the ride, a few of Hori's friends are sitting down at a table. Hori grabs Sajo's hand and says, 'I want you to meet them.' Sajo says, 'Slow down,' but Hori ignores him and sits him down at the table. Hori's friend asks, 'Is he your boyfriend?' Sajo turns fully red, and Hori turns a bit red. She then says in a joking tone, 'Yeah, he is. We're taking it slow since he's so shy.' Hori looks at Sajo and sticks her tongue out. Sajo yells, 'Don't lie.' Hori laughs and says, 'Who's lying? I'm not.'

Hori's friend jokes, 'He looks like a weak duck.' Sajo says, 'I get that a lot.' Hori adds, 'But ducks are cute, aren't they?' in a joking manner. Sajo asks, 'What does that mean?' Hori's friend makes another joke, saying, 'Or a slave.' Sajo laughs a bit, but Hori doesn't laugh as much and seems a bit annoyed with the comment. Hori's friend says, 'Actually, he looks more like a skinny little worm. Don't you eat enough food, or are you too poor to buy some?' Sajo stops laughing and looks a bit uncomfortable. Hori puts her hand on the table and says, 'That's too far right there. Don't say something like that.'

Sajo says to Hori, 'It's fine; I get comments like that a lot.' But Hori insists, 'It's not. I tease you a lot, I admit, and sometimes I do call you names, but I would never make fun of how you look or how skinny you are, and I won't let anyone else do that to you.If you're going to make fun of a person like that, then I'm going to leave.' Sajo looks at Hori and follows her, surprised.

On the walk, Hori says, 'I'm sorry about my so-called friend. Are you okay?' Sajo says, 'I'm fine.' Hori says, 'Good, but still, you should learn how to say no; otherwise, you could get in trouble when someone's body-shaming you again.' Sajo says, 'Sure, I will,' but mumbles, 'But she's not wrong.' Hori stops and looks at Sajo, causing him to feel nervous. Hori says, 'What do you mean by that?' in a stern voice. Sajo says, 'Well, I need to stop being so skinny.' Hori says, 'Why? Because some jerk said so? You just got body-shamed. Don't act like you didn't. She's in the wrong, not you, so do not say something like that.' Sajo says, 'Fine, I won't, but don't yell like that.' Hori says, 'Don't think of yourself like that.' Sajo says, 'Okay then, I won't.' Hori smiles and says, 'I like you the way you are.'"

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