Nine: Intermission Pt 2

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After lunch, Tessa, Alice, and Willow headed to Jax's Bar to meet up with their friends Spencer and Rowen. The bar was a hole in the wall kind of place near downtown Deadwood. It wasn't too big, nor too popular, and only locals knew about it.

Tessa walked into the bar followed by her two friends. The trio approached the bar counter and someone whistled at them. "Damn, talk about elementary teachers gone wild," a woman chuckled warmly from behind the bar, wiping down a shot glass. "Looking forward to seeing Andy Wolfe?" she teased, winking at Tessa. "I told her she was overdressed," Willow grumbled as she plopped down on a barstool. "I asked you about my outfit earlier and you told me you didn't have an opinion!" Tessa whined, shooting her gothic friend a sharp glare. Willow simply shrugged her shoulders and sighed. Tessa rolled her eyes and sat down at the bar.

"Oh, relax, Theresa..." the bartender laughed. "We're only picking on you." This earned the woman a glare from Tessa who was resting her chin against her palm. "Really, Spencer?" Her friends knew how she felt about being called "Theresa" yet they still did it. She felt it was too "professional". That's why she preferred Tessa.

Spencer Prescott smirked and placed the now clean shot glass behind the counter. "We can get going as soon as Rowen gets here," she uttered, leaning over the bar. "My brother might tag along too," she added. "We agreed for it to be a "girls night" Spencer!" Alice whined as she leaned her hip against the bar. "No dicks allowed," the blonde added with a pout.

"Hey, I'm all in favor of the ladies only rule," Spencer giggled and adjusted her glasses. "Tim on the other hand is a protective, annoying, shadow of mine. And unfortunately, if I can't escape him, neither can you," she stated, pointing at her three friends. She straightened herself and stood upright. "Speak of the devil."

Tessa, Alice, and Willow all glanced over at Spencer's older brother Timothy Prescott as he walked toward the bar, tossing a cigarette in a nearby ashtray. He was of average height with softly tanned skin and deep brown hair that was combed neatly, not a single hair was out of place. He had sideburns that framed his strong, defined face. His features were sharp and he had icy blue eyes.

Tim wore a beige leather bomber jacket over a red, black, and white plaid button down shirt. Under the plaid shirt he wore a black t-shirt tucked into dark blue jeans held up with a brown leather belt. His feet were clad in black work boots. Most women swooned over the strong Russian man, but Alice and Tessa were immune. Willow, however.. That was a different story.

Willow turned her body to fully face the man as he approached the bar. "Looking good, Prescott," she purred. "Still not my type," Tim grumbled to the gothic woman before looking at his little sister. "I made sure that Brian and a few of my colleagues will be around the concert in case anything goes sideways." Spencer rolled her eyes and folded her arms. The family resemblance was uncanny.

Spencer was of average height with a strong yet curvaceous figure. She wore a blue jean jacket over a black Siren's Call band tee tucked into dark blue high waisted skinny jeans. She wore black combat boots and a few pieces of simple jewelry: silver star studded earrings, a silver heart shaped locket necklace, and a wristwatch. Spencer had a peachy complexion and icy blue eyes to match her brother's. Her brunette hair fell to the middle of her back and her bangs were blunt, falling over her forehead and eyebrows.

"You and your colleagues are gonna mess up our night..." she spoke to her brother, annoyed. "Relax, JP..." Tim smirked at his sister. "You gals won't even know we're there, besides. You could all use the protection." "As if..." Alice huffed and rolled her eyes.

Tim's cool demeanor changed and he turned his attention to the bold blonde woman. "Excuse me?" he asked, standing upright. Alice didn't even spare him a glance as she spoke. "I'm almost certain us women can handle ourselves, the fact that you feel the need to assert yourself into our plans is controlling and rude." Tim set his jaw, trying to calm himself. "And what if something were to happen at the concert?" he asked, folding his arms now.

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