6/ That's the way I like to buck

Start from the beginning

"I'd recognize that collar anywhere. It's the same one that psycho stuck on me at orientation! What'd you do to get shackled with that?" Grim tilts his head. "I ate a tart."

"A tart.. Just that? nothin' else?"

"Yeah, just that."

"I was a little hungry, see, so I went down to the dorm kitchen and found some tarts in the fridge. Three whole tarts! Big ones, too!" Ace starts making angry gestures with his hands as you start imagining the scenario.


"Man, I'm still tired from our little adventure. I missed dinner, too, and now I'm starving!" Ace whines as he enters the kitchen and opens the fridge. "Got anything for me, fridge? ...Whoa, score! Tarts! Those look amazing! And plenty to go around, too! No one would notice if I snagged one tiny little slice, right? Right. Of course not."

He takes out the tart and starts eating it like a madman "Mmph... So good! I'm in pastry paradise right now!" He moans in satisfaction as an annoyed red-haired upperclassman walks up from behind him. "Of course they're good. Trey made them. His tarts are always exceptional."

Ace didn't realize the deep shit he was in due to the yummy tart "Yeah, but I mean... These are like crazy good! Like, he could sell these at- wait, Housewarden?!"

"You sure have some nerve putting your hands on things that are mine."

"But the Queen of Hearts's rule 89 is quite clear. "Never eat a tart without the Queen's permission." The theft of tarts is a serious crime!"

"Off with your head!" Riddle says as he points his pen at him, Ace yells out in shock as he brings his hands up to feel at the collar.


"And... here I am."



You stare at him with an unimpressed look before speaking. "Your both in the wrong." He gasps "You don't think that it's insane for my magic to get sealed away for eating one slice of tart?! For a mage, that's like having your arms and legs bound and shackled! And there were three whole tarts! three! It's not like he could eat 'em all himself!"

"C'mon, you know this is messed up!"

You share a glance with Grim before speaking "I guess it was a bit overboard.. But still, you could've asked Riddle before stealin' it." He puts a hand on his chest in an offended matter. "What kinda lukewarm answer is that?!"

"Yeah, but... I mean, if there were three of 'em, they were probably for a party. Maybe it was someone's birthday or somethin'? Look at that! I'm, like, a master detective too!" Grim laughs.

"A birthday party huh.."

"Yeah, when I think about it. Why else would he have three cakes? What an specific number ain't it?" You look at Ace before speaking again "Did you even apologize?"

He freezes up "Man... I thought you'd be more sympathetic! I'm a victim of the housewarden's tyranny here!"

"Sure what he did was extreme but stealin' that food wasn't cool of you, Ace. Just be honest with him and apologize." Ace was about to protest before Grim interrupted him "You don't go messin' with another man's meal... Hey, wait a minute! I just realized I never got those cans of tuna the headmage promised me!"

"All right, all right. Fine. I get that I should apologize. But you're coming with me, Y/N. This was your idea, after all." He sighs. "Sure I'll come with, I'm always honest anyways."

"Anyway, you got a place for me to crash tonight?"

"You were serious about that? Outside of the bedroom me and [MC] use, this entire dump is buried under a foot of dust. So if you wanna crash, you better start cleanin'!" Grim says, seeing this as an opportunity. 

"Dude, no way! I hate cleaning!" He yells at Grim before taking both of your hands in his "Just let me stay with you, Y/N. I'm real slim. I won't take up much space." You laugh. "Sure why not?"

You stand up and click your tounge at Grim, a sign for him to follow you back to your shared bedroom as Ace stand still in his place, different thoughts running through his mind before quickly following you and Grim to the bedroom with a slightly red face.

You flop down on your bed as Grim also flops down on his, you look at Ace unmoving by the edge of the bed. "Aren't you comin'? Sleep with me."

"I- ...." Ace quietly enters the bed with you with an painfully red face.

It wasn't long before the three of you fell asleep.


"Dude... Who is pounding on the door at this hour?!" Ace says to himself as he hears someone pounding on the door, he was about to stand up before feeling something restraining him from moving. "Huh?" He looks at the arm wrapped around his waist.

He suddenly becomes red again as he realizes that you were spooning him, why was he the little spoon!? The pounding on the door starts increasing and getting louder as he yells "Come in i-"

He stops speaking as he notices the roof falling apart because of the aggressive pounding on the door "Wait, wait, wait I'm coming!"

Ace quickly removes your arm away from his waist and jogs over to the door. Only to be met with Deuce, aka Juice.

"Ah, so you did come here after all." Deuce quickly walks inside and goes looking for you as Ace follows him, "So, you ate the housewarden's tart. You really are an idiot, Ace." 

Ace looks at him with an offended look, "Oh, shut up! Like you're one to talk! Anyway, uh... Is he still mad?" Deuce shakes his head "Not at all. Maybe a touch irritated, if anything. A few of our dormmates overslept this morning... But only three of them got your treatment."

"You call that "not at all" mad?! Sounds like he's still on the rampage, to me!"


You yawn as you walk by the main street with the three dudes behind you.

You stop in your tracks as you notice Grim flexing his.. necklace, thing. "Move it, outta the way!" He trips a student with his tail as the poor student falls on top of Ace in a not so appropriate manner.

"Night Raven College student comin' through! Oh? Did my collar catch your eye? It is way better than the one you're stuck with!" He laughs and nods at Ace's collar, "You know, the one that makes it so you can't use magic? But hey, the school could always use another janitor! Bwahahaha!"

"Whoa grim, your really comin' after him, huh?"

Ace quickly throws the student aside and stands up, clearing his throat. "Grrrrr! Trust me Grim, when I get my magic back, your hide is first up on the chopping block!"

Deuce grabs Ace by the collar and tugs him backwards, he says something but you block your ears with a groan. Not wanting to deal with they're sh-

"Hmm. Ya know, we do still have some time to kill before class starts. And I am kinda curious about the other dorms." You look back at Grim to hear him out, "Hey, Y/N, let's watch Ace's apology. I wanna watch him fail.."

"This isn't a show, screw you!"


I won't update for maybe a week"( – ⌓ – ).. I'm staying at a hotel for the week!! And thank you guys so much for the votes! Were at 68 votes are you kidding me!? THATS SO CLOSE TO 69. Anyway, I appreciate you guys so much and the support<3

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝: Nov. 24, 2023

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