He just flipped

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Bakugou's POV

Deku didn't go to work today, instead, he claimed he wanted more alone time with me, after dropping the kids off at school we went back to the house " so omega what would you like to do today" I thought about it for a bit, trying to come up with something we could do, but it ended up falling short as I had no ideas and from the look on Deku's face he had an idea "I don't know what to do, do you have any ideas" I asked in an unsure voice the look on his face scared me, it was like so many different ideas were flying through his head, he grabbed my hand " Katsuki, I wanted to ask something from you" This wasn't something I thought he would say, I gave him a look telling him to continue " Baby I want more kids, I want a big family with you" If I had a drink I would spit it out everywhere, he wanted more kids with me, he was my alpha but momo...no! I can't think of her she has someone, maybe with more kids I'll love him more, I looked up at Deku " I think I would like more kids with you as well" Dekus' face lit up as I said that, I know that he wanted to start straight away but we would have a higher chance if we waited for my heat " but I think we should wait for my heat, we would have a higher chance of actually having a kid if we wait till then" Even though this gave me about 2 weeks to prepare, I haven't had my heat since the kids were conceived, after I got pregnant I didn't want it to happen again, it was bad enough the last time even though there were parts that I wish I could go back to, Deku gave me a nod before getting up and walking to the home office, once he left I decided to follow him " Are you ok you kinda walked off suddenly" Deku huffed and looked at me seriously " kacchan I want to have a kid with you now, not in 2 weeks, our kids are getting older and... I just can't help but worry that once the kids are out of our lives you're going to leave me" I wasn't planning on leaving him I had just stated that I wanted more kids with him and it's safer for me if I'm in heat, there is a less sign of a miscarriage, this just made me mad I'm doing this for the greater good of both his child and mine. I walked out of the room and closed the door, I had to pick the kids up in an hour, so I started getting ready-30 minutes later- Deku had walked into the room, kissing my cheek"Baby I'm going to go out for a bit" I looked at him, and he looked a bit nervous, I looked at him "OK just make sure to be back before dinner, the girls listen to you better, when it comes time to go to bed" he gave me a nod before walking off, that strange he didn't give me a goodbye kiss or anything -dinner time- After picking the kids up from school, they told me all about their day, the girls had made something for their father while Eichi made something for me, it was a poem about how much he loved me I thought it was cute, we had been waiting for Deku to get back to start having dinner"Mother can we just eat now, dad is taking way too long," Daitan said, agreeing with her I started dishing up the food for the kids and me After eating dinner I took the kids to bed and waited on the couch for Deku watching a movie to pass the time Movie number 1 Number 2 Number 3 Finally, the door opened, with an extremely intoxicated deku stumbling through "Kacchan, weRen't you with Me just befoRE, We had So MUcH fUn" I grabbed Deku by the arm and dragged him up to our room sitting him on the bed and grabbing him a glass of water, "What did we do Deku" "I PUT a Baby In YoU" Pain shot through me as I realised what he meant, that bitch, he's going to get it once he sobber, once Deku went to bed I went to check on the kids making sure they weren't awake lucky they weren't -the morning- After waking the kids up and taking them to school, I also called the hero agency to tell them that Deku wouldn't be in, after arriving home, I walked in to see Deku sitting on the couch"Kacchan what happened last night" he stood up and walked over to me grabbing my hand and kissing it, I think he knew what happened last night he just didn't want to say"Well let's see your daughters made you something and stayed up late because they wanted to give it to you but you weren't there, oh and you cheated on me" Deku gave me a heartbroken look I know he doesn't feel sorry "Baby-" "Shut up I don't want to talk to you" "Baby if you will just listen to me, I was drunk you have to know I wasn't in my right mind doing something like that" He looked at him with a sad look on his face. How dare he, I may not love him like I used to but at least I didn't go out and sleep with someone else " I don't want to talk to you Deku...." Deku looked at Bakugou he looked angry "You don't even love me so why do you care who I sleep with" Hearing this made Bakugou get fired up " I don't love you?! I gave you my body, my health, my future career! I gave you pups And you say I don't love you. Do you have any idea how stupid you sound!""How stupid I sound? Katsuki you haven't let me love you since you gave birth to our pups! All because you are still in love with Momo even though I have given you everything and more plus don't say you gave me pups when you gave them just as easily to Momo! I've done nothing but love your bastard son""So what if I still love Momo, I also love you and if the roles were reversed would you ever forgive me? Deku I let Momo have me because I thought you wouldn't want me! And I was right because you don't love me enough to not sleep with another person!"Bakugou was sobbing at this point everything that had been bottled up for the last couple of years just split over, he still loved Deku he was the father to his children and it hurt him to throw it away "I'm going to leave for a bit, I'll take the kids with me since you'll have work" Bakugou turned around and went into his shared room with Deku and started pulling out clothes to put into a bag when Deku walked in face still red from the amount of anger he still felt"If you leave you will never see your children again Katsuki......I'm the number 1 hero, do you think that a worthless omega like you will be able to take my kids away from me" Bakugou turned around stunned by the boldness of the claim his alpha just made "So you're saying that you'll take my children just because I need to leave the house and stay with my parents for a while, I'm not leaving you Deku I just need to clear my head before we make things worse" Deku walked over to Bakugou and placed a hand on his shoulder gripping it with a tight squeeze " That's exactly what I'm saying honey, let's just forget about this event and continue down the path we were on before all of this, It is only two weeks from now when we can start having our new addition to the family" Bakugou looked up at Deku with a shocked expression "You think we can just go about what we talked about yesterday, Deku i'm not planning on having a child with you when you weren't and trying to have one with another person" 3rd person POVdeku didn't like this answer, so he decided that if Katsuki wasn't going to be willing to give him what he wanted he'd make him do it by simple manipulation"Katsuki you didn't let me around you when you were pregnant with the kids before and all I want to do is have a family with my omega, isn't that your whole purpose to create and birth children for your Alpha, I would hate to have such a worthless omega if he can't even do this more than once" the words Deku spoke struck hard to Bakugou he didn't want to be worthless he wanted to be the omega Deku needed and wanted, so without much hesitation he gave in "....I'm not worthless... And I want to have a bigger family with you it just-" Deku moved a hand to Bakugou's waist catching him a bit off guard "I knew I didn't have a worthless omega, we can start planning for the babies tomorrow hmm, I know you said we should wait for your heat, but why do that when we love each other so much" Katsuki looked up at Deku as he was pulled into a hug. It didn't feel right to him, he didn't want this but he was his alpha and he didn't want to disappoint. Otherwise, what would the children take from this, that it okay for you to never listen to your partner, he needed to do this for the greater good, for his children? Plus he could at least try to love Deku

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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