Brand-New start

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Hi and welcome to Momobaku pt2, sorry that it had been such a long wait, before I start the story I would like to give a big thanks to all people who supported my first book in giving me ideas, a lot of you wanted it to stay momobaku so that is what i'm going to do, If you guys have any names for the kids please let me know remember we have two girls and one boy

Thank you and I love you all mwah

Bakugou's POV -

I wake up to the sound of pots banging, I slowly got up and walked out of the room to see my kids with their father "good morning mother" my eldest daughter said "morning sweetie" I walk over to my kids giving them all kisses on there head. Izuku walked over to me kissing my cheek giving me a tired "morning" before putting the food down on the table and walking off to the office

-After breakfast and dropping the kids off at school-

I walked to the supermarket planning to make some treats for the kids since they had been so good, I walk in and started grabbing the stuff I need, as I walk down into an aisle I notice someone there they looked familiar, I didn't care and grabbed what I needed, as I was about to turn around and walk out I ran straight into the other person in the aisle " sorry I didn't see you there" the person helped me up as I went to say something I look at their face 'ah shit' "b-bakugou" momo looked at me shocked that I was there, I tried to move and get away from her not really wanting to get told off today but before I could move she trapped me in her arms pushing her body against mine "baby I missed you so much" she whispered in my ear making me melt into the hug, just as I was about to wrap my arms around her I stopped "momo please let go of me I need to get home" she started growling but still let go I wanted to walk away but I couldn't move my feet she was there I could go back to my alpha but I couldn't deku would take the kids if I did that, momo walked closer to me "why did you leave, I missed you" I bit my lip before turning to her "I missed you too, but I can't leave with you I have to get the kids soon and deku might get mad" as soon as I mentioned him she started growling again "he knew were you where" I looked at her confused "of course he did, he told me that my friends and family knew where I was because he told them" "bakugou we didn't even know you were alive, he's told us nothing" I felt like crying my whole family didn't know where I was for five years, I thought that they just didn't want to visit me but no it's because they didn't even know I was alive. I felt a buzz in my pocket I pulled out my phone to see deku texted me "momo I have to go home now, i'm sorry" she looked at me before grabbing my hand not wanting to let go "momo please I don't feel like getting told off today" "please, just please meet me at that new cafe tomorrow I want to talk to you again, I still love you" I looked at my phone before looking at her then I took a deep breath and agreed

Hi guys once again sorry this took so long to come out, sorry if it's short I love you all my little flowers stay safe   


Thank you for being my new friend, so this chapter is for you 

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