That question caught Ominis by surprise. "Oh, well, I suppose for a moment."

Raven passed Whiskers to him, and he found his heart melting once the little one was bundled against his chest. For a brief second, he imagined one day holding his own child like that. He didn't know why, as he'd never thought of having a family before. His imagination really ran wild when he had to pass the fussy Kneazle back to Raven. He listened to her hum softly as she walked back and forth, earning content purrs from Whiskers.

"You make an excellent mother," he said.

Raven paused, noticing the dreamy expression on his face. "Do I? I suppose I am a bit of an expert when it comes to raising beasts." She smirked, deciding to tease him a little. "You seem awfully interested. And here I thought you swore to never continue your bloodline."

There was a noticeable blush on the blond's face in response. "I did. Believe me, I never want to pass on my genes or the Gaunt name, but I…simply can't help imagining what it would be like."

"Maybe one day you'll warm up to the idea. You never know." She sat next to him again. "But it'll be your choice, Ominis. Personally, I like the idea of having a family in the future. But that's me." She looked down at the rather restless kitten squirming in her arms. "Someone's being fussy today. I know just the thing."

Raven stood, and Ominis got up to follow her. They made their way over to the piano where the girl sat her sweetheart down with her. "Does Whiskers enjoy music?"

"It puts him right to sleep. There's this one song he especially loves. It's one my mother wrote...when she fell in love with my father."

"Let's hear it, then."

With Whiskers on her lap, Raven's fingers began moving along the keys. Ominis listened before joining in, copying the notes she played until he took over most of her parts to allow her to focus on singing.

"One day I know there'll be a place for us
Someday I know there'll be a space for us
I keep what I promise
Don't lose hope, my love
I'll meet you where we started once more

"I will run day and night
To be back by your side
When you're alone
See the moon, see the moon, see the moon
Know I'll be home
I'll be there
I'll be seeing you soon"

Ominis was smiling at the beautiful song, enjoying her angelic voice and imagining what it was like for Layla and Damian when they fell in love. That song was a product of their past, and it gave him some insight as to how they felt about each other. It was a lot like how he felt about Raven.

"Just count the stars when you're not here with me
The midnight sky will keep you company
I keep what I promise
Don't give up, my love
I'll meet you where we started once more

"I will run day and night
To be back by your side
When you're alone
See the moon, see the moon, see the moon
Know I'll be home
I'll be there
I'll be seeing you soon"

Raven looked down at the sleeping kitten on her lap, smiling and taking the boy's wrist to stop him from playing. "He's asleep." Another yawn escaped her.

Ominis wrapped an arm around her shoulders and scooted closer. "Rest your eyes, darling. Before you work yourself to the bone."

Unable to resist, she closed her eyes, laid her head on his shoulder, and promptly fell asleep against him. The boy knew they had time, so he let her rest for a short while at least. She deserved it after her hard work lately. It wasn't long before the door to the Room opened again. Ominis turned his head slightly, listening to the familiar footsteps.

"Raven!" Sebastian greeted before he realized she was asleep.

The girl jolted awake, startling the kitten as well. "What the-" Turning her head, she glared at the freckled boy while petting Whiskers to calm him. "Sebastian, don't scare me like that!"

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