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Hello people!! I would like to say that this is a crossover fanfic that will involve many anime characters, and will in turn involve a little bit of spoiler because of that!! It will not be plot spoilers, maybe just advancements in characters that you might not have seen yet. This fanfic starts around the time Deku reaches 20%. Just role with me on the plot and let me know if I make any mistakes as far as typos and such along the way!! I will not be consistent in updating... Sorry if you actually care.


Hello. My name is Eijiro Kirishima. I have recently come to the realization that I am not a lead in this plot I call my life. My friend Katsuki Bakugo however, man, he can get anyone any time. He's a real manly guy. Anyway, I have decided today is the day that I become the main the character, the top dog, the manlyest of men. Just you wait, Bakugo, here I come!

Only a Second Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon