A Teen Titans Story

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[Hey! I do not own the Teen Titans. Cartoon Network and DC Comics do. This did not really happen in the comics or the cartoon. This takes place with the Titans being about two years older than they were in the cartoon. If you have not seen the cartoon, it is well advised that you watch at least some of the episodes so you know what I am talking about. I will not be fully describing the characters or the places that are in the show.]

Raven / Rachel

"Azerrath, Metreon, Zinthos!" I could feel my powerful, black mana as it circled and completely covered Dr. Light. I didn't know why he kept trying to take over the city. He was afraid of the dark, therefore, afraid of me. I could feel it coming off of him in waves. This was the Teen Titans' city. Everyone knew that. Especially Dr. Light, considering how many times we had busted him. It seemed that he was always purposely getting caught by us. Maybe he was a super-fan. 

"Most wonderfully done Raven!" Said Starfire (A.K.A. Kori) enthusiastically. She was wearing her old school, battle outfit. Purple crop top and skirt with a silver belt and neck collar with matching silver boots and arm bracers. She wasn't any taller but she had lost the soft roundness to her face and she had a better understanding of human customs in the past couple years since the beginning of the Teen Titans. If only she would stop talking like she always had. I placed Dr. Light on a light post so he couldn't escape before the authorities got there.

I floated down to where the rest of the team was. It was late at night and we were on a deserted street. We all were unharmed, as usual when we were fighting Dr. Light. But the street was damaged and the city would need a few more lamp poles. The thing was, that with the team, we pretty much always got the villain, but the city was never left in one piece.

"This was easy." Commented Starfire.

"Why would you say that? You never say that!" Yelled Beast Boy (a.k.a. Garfield). He was buffer, taller and less lanky than when we first started the team. Truth be told, he was hotter too. Unfortunately, he wasn't any more mature. He still thought that he was a ladies man and that he was the funniest guy around. He was wearing his outdated purple, black and silver outfit. I guess that the classics had that sentimental feel which made them hard to give up. Specially when we were fighting one of our oldest enemies such as Dr. Light.

Starfire was startled at his sudden outburst and looked really confused. "I do not understand. Why must I never say this?" Beast Boy face-palmed himself and groaned. When nothing happened, he looked around and said, "Maybe the jinx didn't work because she's an alien." Cyborg and Robin just shrugged. Beast Boy's reasoning was good enough for them. "We should try to get home before anything else happens. It's been a long night. Dr. Light makes four baddies we have taken down in two nights." Beast Boy first held up four fingers, then he held up two fingers to emphasize his point. He put his hand down and got serious again. We all looked at Robin. "What do you think is happening here? Deathstroke? The Brain?"

Robin (a.k.a. Richard Greyson) looked thoughtful. He had gone through the same transformation that Beast Boy had. Starfire seemed happier that he wouldn't have to use a step ladder to kiss her anymore. The only difference between Beast Boy and Robin, Robin had always been very serious and now he was a bit less severe. It was a good change to see him happier. Right now he didn't feel to be too dedicated about figuring this out. "I don't know. Deathstroke and the rest of The Light are still locked up as far as I know. If they are arranging this then we're screwed because that's damn near impossible. This could also be something completely different and a third party is breaking people out of jail and The Light is next." He looked to Cyborg (a.k.a. Victor Stone). "I need you to inform the senator and tell him to double up security with only the highest ranked officers and to do deep background checks again. Any mention of The Light in the last ten years of history and the personnel are relocated of fired."

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